Voris used Father Wolfe FSSP in his attacks. The very word sedevacantist is almost considered profanity. It is their dissent and heterodoxy and lack of courage that have caused all of this to happen. 3littleshepherds1, In light of all that surrounds us, (the new annulment process, synod on the family, silence on sodomite marriage, etc.) I think they wanted an experienced priest to help Fr. Even more so, things that are most important also have an uncanny ability to expose our personal limits and insecurities, which we find threatening as they leave us open to criticism, and so engaging them carries its own risks. The Society and its faithful simply stayed Catholic such as it has always been and always will be in spite of the conciliar revolution. Michael Voris is kidding himself if he thinks for even a moment that he is any way comparable to the SSPX as it concerns addressing the present crisis in the Church. Richmond, VA Im glad you agree that Fisher Mores story is so important. it comes from the intimate sense of spiritual realities which they experience. Kindly stop presuming everyone who reads this blog or watches CMTV has a developed awareness of the dismal state of affairs in the Church as you claim to have. The Radical Catholic blog has confirmed from CMTV that Voris and CMTV plagiarized the sermon of a Priest of the FSSP in his attack on the SSPX. Your question- poignantly phrased- touches on the experience of many a trad. No the abandoning of Christ for the FSSP is a doctrinal matter: john6 The FSSP does not have time to respond to every crackpot coming down the internet pike. Dear marian, Cardinal Burke has been very clear: If Pope Francis puts in place a program allowing the divorced and remarried to receive Holy Communion apart from a true remedy (e.g., an annulment) he will not follow; rather, he said he will maintain the true faith. Perhaps, I should chose my words more carefully. God bless you. Post Falls, ID These are the signs of an unstable mind. Tulsa, OK But the new campus lease turned out not to be sustainable, either, just a reprieve in execution of sentence, and it is astonishing to me that he thought it could be otherwise. As , albeit indirectly, pointed out in a discussion with my2cents below, trads have 2 things in common: they love the so called latin mass & they revile sedevacantists. With regard to the heresy of Modernism running rampant & the Modernist Sect of which Bergoglio is head which occupies what were once Catholic parishes, it takes weeks, months, years to comprehend all that. Simon Harkins, FSSP as we begin the conversation on August 31st, featuring a fascinating interview with Abby Johnson on her pro-life work and her recent discovery of the beauty of the sacred liturgy. There is a glee I read here when piokolby and rich and some others come out with yet another outrageous statement about somebody. To be a contributing part of this effort requires that our Lord possesses a key place in our hearts. Sad. Tags: Catholic Extraordinary Form, FSSP, Tridentine Mass Fr. For example, was the will of the Father being expressed when Pope Alexander VI turned to one of his females friends and requested Well, you get the point. Ottawa, ON And we must distinguish between the two. Then I realized This entire tirade is full of calumny and detraction about the FSSP and false accusations about Fr. I disagree with you, however, that the FSSP should be avoided. We have not yet seen Justice in the Fisher Moore College scandal. Schedule is subject to changes. In our troubled times, make it a personal initiative through Advent (and perhaps beyond) to invoke the Holy Ghost daily, that He indeed stirs up this treasure-chest of graces we hold within ourselves and our families. The Fraternity is known for celebrating the Mass and sacraments in Latin in what is known as the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, following the liturgical books that were in place in 1962, prior to the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council. I understand the point you're trying to make when you state that people thought the same of the Great & Venerated Saint Who ate locusts & foretold the Coming of the Redeemer and they did. As for Michael Voris, I dont watch or follow him in any way. Your charge of detraction and extreme lack of charity are baseless and are based on your feelings not on objective reality. Simon Harkins, FSSP as we begin the conversation on August 31st, featuring a fascinating interview with Abby Johnson on her pro-life work and her recent discovery of the beauty of the sacred liturgy. dear john6, This is what michael voris used to say All evil? But everyone one who has signed off on VII by professing obedience to it and its heresiarchs is outside the Church. I know one FSSP priest ONE that has publicly said the SSPX is not in schism. Saguto? The root of this schismatic act can be discerned in an incomplete and contradictory notion of Tradition. Anyone who reads Louies blog should, by now, have developed an awareness of the dismal state of affairs in the Church. But, respectfully, I cannot agree that the FSSP has abandoned Christ through their current status. "I think today a lot of those devotions are missed," Father Stinson said. Another is the fallen-nature blindness that affects us all and inclines us to take for granted things that we are used to: be it a spouse, family, friends, health, employment, position, or other things. Louie, your blog does not rise and fall by my participation. Baltimore, MD Liturgical Guides to the Seasons The FSSP offers the Mass according to the form that was in use prior to the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s. Ill leave it to you to decide if the jihadist with the cash in hand played a part in influencing Voris to reinvent himself. That reality is irrelevant to the objective errors of the FSSP which are public. He took some time waiting to see the fruits of the Novus Ordo before he made firm judgements. Not even one? Lincoln, NE Either way . hi, scott, We are blessed to be able to host Fr. EWTN's Raymond Arroyo recently interviewed two priests of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP): Fr. . Inaccurately classified and Inaccuratley defined sorry to the average reader i got it wrong in my comment above thanks de maria for correcting me. Sunday Masses will . More folly from His Vortexcellency: UPDATED. San Diego, CA Little Rock, AR We have apostasy and heresy within the bosom of Holy Mother Church. You do not have a right to hear anymore from me. (Mt 16:15) There is only one correct answer to this question, upon which is built the entire deposit of Faith. Its quite true that President King inherited a very bad financial situation. The Catholic Church has not released a public list of clergy members who have been credibly accused of sexual misconduct or assault. Dayton, OH Heres the truth: The SSPX refuses to sign a statement saying the Vatican II is an integral part of the tradition of the Church. It is this to which they refuse to submit, not the legitimate authority of the pope. Lets move to Louies next post! The worst criticism of the SSPX sure comes from the Novus Ordo Traditionalists. Nevertheless, I address you here not out of disrespect, but simply because the sedevacantist position is almost always inaccurately sketched out and characterized here & elsewhere. Father has done a 180 degree turn since his days in Kansas City, where I also was. Im also reminded of Dr.Taylor Marshalls involvement of Fisher More College and am still in the dark as to many of the details. Gerard Saguto, FSSP We all have blind spots about ourselves and situations we may be in, and the realization of such things can be quite the exercise in humility. His pastor for some time (until very recently) was Fr. Nor are they interested in arguments. Back in the day, Voris, out of genuine concern for souls, used to lambaste the new Mass as a danger to the faith. A couple of years ago, I heard a solid Catholic treatment of the Holy Trinity which, in a side note, mentioned that as wonderful as this film is, the part in which the saint explains the Trinity must be ignored. Minneapolis, MN The Society is not in an irregular canonical status that is a made-up term by SSPX supporters. Following post talks about SSPX censorship of sermon criticizing Francis: ARCHDIOCESAN SYNOD 2022 Or more likely, he is a talking head for an evil and destructive force. His temporal concerns; nothing more, nothing less. Voris- shmoriswho cares? Why did the SSPX priest so advise certain persons? El Paso, TX The FSSP are bad actors. One of the greatest problems facing Catholics who are trying to understand the crisis is a lack of distinctions and a lack of proper definitions. Now there is the objective case of schism, and the legal/subjective case of schism. . It includes those who, through no or >>limited<>>limited<<< fault of their own. Wolfe FSSP is true and public. Getting information out of Poland was very difficult for a long time. Harrisburg, PA Many excellent leaders in the Church, good holy men and women, recognize the exact same problems, but they havent left. One reason for our personal blind spots and missing the obvious can be a lack of courage to face ourselves. I know that you ask in sincerity, Ive read you for some time & admire you. Paul has been designing and carving ecclesiastical interiors for the past several years. VII & that which was borne of it, a Modernist Sect, is the problem. This is the SSPX argument with respect to supplied jurisdiction. As you say, hopefully someday he will be humble enough to admit his error. Gerard Saguto, FSSP and Fr. We really have no idea what pressure these FSSP priests are under. SEND FLOWERS. Placed on leave in 11/18 after a man reported to the diocese 9/26 that Bouchard sexually abused him as a boy, ages 9-11. A commenter on Twitter recently asked me if I am "officially a sedevacantist.". Allentown, PA Christendom College will see three of its alumni ordained as priests this summer. GOD did it 2. In this, Michael Voris protests too much. arochial Vicar and Assistant Pastor; a man who Mr. Carroll clearly idolized. I dont have close familiarity with any of the people concerned. In other words I am speaking about what the group believes officially and publicly. Dear piokolby, Edmund Campion dressed up as a jeweler to avoid arrest. This is at the 4 minute mark in the video. May none of us ever become so prideful as to claim immunity. Having said that, it is a bit disappointing having come to the knowledge that full disclosure on this site has given, to know that Fr. Finding little support, the faith infused at Baptism is stifled and choked by the thorns of the world, and it becomes easy to drift away. Your rash judgement I hope is based on ignorance and not malice. We have been baptized into Christs death, the greatest act of love ever displayed and graciously made available to all. I have a certain admiration for Fr. When Pope John Paul II had the Assisi meeting Archbishop Lefebvre pleaded with the good Cardinals like Siri and Oddi to make a public protest to defend the honor of the Church. But I realized, and it actually had nothing to do w/sedevacantism, that me and mine WERE Nancy Pelosi. Philadelphia, PA As one who was there for this sermon (and many more), and class, I firmly state that he has NEVER attacked the SSPX. Saguto, time for adoration and confessions, and a Rosary walk. The majority do beleive there were true popes since 1958. First of all everything said about Fr. 1 of the problems we have is that if your a traditional catholic bad wording but you know what i mean then what tends to happen is you end up in one of those groups in my comment lower down. (Remember, divine mercy had been condemned 3 times.) Listening to audio sancto raised much concern for me a long, long ago. Over 160 bishops in your country and 6 in mine, along with dozens of others around the world have invited this Society of St. Peter into their diocese. South Bend, IN The bottom line, in my opinion, is he is merely a distraction from the real issues facing the Catholic world and the world in general. Congrats. . Nashua, NH Nashua, NH Chesapeake, VA But who gets to determine where the standard of Christ is planted? There is, in any event, no SSPX or sedevacantist chapel within easy driving distance of me even if I wanted to go. I wouldnt be half surprised if he granted faculties to the Dali Lamma. Yes Archbishop Lefebvre wouldnt be disobedient unless it was to protect the Faith. 2:00pm Keynote Speaker - Jeffrey Ostrowski. Now I suppose he is throwing darts at it. I dont follow Mr. Voris. Take any good news with a grain of salt when it comes from modernists. Theres an old definition of fanatic as someone who can change neither his mind, nor the subject. FSSP International And for conversions we pray for, remember that among the Christian denominations there is only one Baptism it belongs to the Catholic Church so ask the Holy Ghost to stir up in them the courage to see where the blind spots are in their profession of faith. I am so sorry that this has been your lot, its heart rending. Refusal of submission to the Roman Pontiff by the Society can be seen in their refusal to reconcile and place themselves under the authority of the Vicar of Christ, rejecting his dogmatically defined full power of shepherding, ruling and governing the universal Church, a power ordinary and immediate over all the churches and over each and every member of the faithful.. Who do you say that I am? Hopefully, if they no longer agree with the direction of the SSPX they havent remained to poison the well as it were. We are semi-contemplative Marian Sisters, which means that, while we pray the full Divine Office in common and have 1-1/2 hour of mental prayer each day, we also . Louie February 22, 2023 Blog Post No Comments. Father Gerard Saguto, F.S.S.P. Do they disagree with Voris? The FSSP was founded on heresy and lies and it shows now all these years later. EVANSVILLE. Catholics are STILL watching and waiting. You should do your homework and talk to someone on the inside before you repeat the biased assertions of Taylor Marshall. Just because theyre traditional in teaching and praxis doesnt mean theyll always be prudent in every respect. Think of it as pulling back the curtain on the little man of OZ (Voris). I do not claim, presume or pretend to belong to an exclusive club. To accuse the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peters members of be responsible for the break-up of marriages is scurrilous and reprehensible. 1 reason is the position we take. I have spoken to/communicated with exactly two FSSP priests in my life. The only people that ran anywhere were the faithless and feckless fools who, many unknowingly, just accepted the Council and the new Mass as gifts from Almighty God. the point central to the sedevacantist position -that being the Roman Catholic Religion. Many Catholics, most Catholics, in fact, dont really know very much at all, if anything, about this group which has been around in one form or another since 1988, as one way of counting The Society came about in response, reaction to the overall weakening of the Church and many of Her leaders, which has been an ongoing process since the 1960s. Dayton, OH Father Wolfe has been transferred in the normal round of these and is obviously needed elsewhere. SAGUTO - Michael D., on June 12, 2009 of Syosset, NY. We do need to know who we can trust and who we cannot. I had already decided (in agreement with you) to stay away from CMTV and T. Marshall. Immigrants featured in new Cathedral exhibit, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe the Alpha and the Omega, Practicing Catholic host vividly recalls memories, emotions of midnight Mass 12 years ago, Awaken the Heart event March 4 offers chance for an authentic encounter with Christ, Making music, embracing Lent: in step with Caroline Metzinger. Gruner was yet, so I looked past it in ignorance. His first Mass in Seattle will be on Sunday, October 5th and it will be a sung Mass. Father Josef Bisig. Confraternity of Saint Peter. Both Verrecchio and Voris are about exactly my age born at the tail end of the American baby boomers and although not a bit as courageous or knowledgeable in the faith as them, I really commiserate with both their stories. This is a good and reasonable rule for the protection of minors and avoiding issues (if . This side of eternity, there will always be a certain obscurity to Faith because God wishes that we walk in trust of Him; He wants to lead us because our sanctification is His work with our cooperation. Dear Alarico, We are truly living in a period of disorientation. Voris linked directly to the FSSP site in Scotland in his attacks on Catholics in the SSPX. Terry, for his part, quickly took on what my friend called his own jihad against the SSPX shortly thereafter. I hope Catholics will be protected from those responsible. I found it on the New Liturgical Movement website. If sedevacantist friends or family have done that to you, or anyone, its a shame. But thats definitely not the position of the SSPX. From what Louies stated himself, he welcomes all voices whether blunt, shy, up front, in your face or the opposite as well as the sedvacantist voice, as mine is. Im pretty much thinking the same thing. It can happen from a negative event; that is, when someone or something becomes threatened in such a way that forces us to look at it with the attention it deserves. If you dont mind-consider a few thingsyou dont have to respond-this is not a challenge. Very dear and close friends, who fought side by side with me and my family to defend the Catholic faith, have literally turned their backs on us and pretend they never even knew us. Denton, NE (Seminary) Don't forget to buy yourself a copy here! Look, if Michael had a genuine change of heart such that he now feels compelled to change his previous (and well disseminated) stance of these matters, he would address them head on. This rendition of an Internet TV Network has NOTHING to do with the Catholic Faith. *** Here, let it not be said that the interior of anyone is being judged. For anyone who wishes to gain knowledge on the position, the information is out there. As such, the pope can make a formal declaration of schism based upon the SSPXs refusal to accept the errors of the Council, and guess what? Calgary, AB make use of all the sacraments in the (old rite) at places like the FFSP , ICKSP etc this is where it can become a little complicated while these places offer all sacraments in the (old rite) they are in what we hear voris and others saying full communion with/under rome meaning that they are under the jurisdiction of the local bishop and cant/dont attack issues like the second vatican council. Will the FSSP issue a public statement saying that Father Wolfe does not speak for the FSSP and his views are his own? Rather, a home is ultimately an interaction between personalities that are supposed to be loving each other spouses, parents, children, siblings, grandparents. Post navigation Richard M, IMHO what you point out is important. King and Drumm seemed to want it both ways. Sacrificate sacrificium justitiae, et sperate in Domino, Telephone: (570) 842-4000Fax: (570) 319-9770info@fssp.com, Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter450 Venard RoadSouth Abington Township, PA 18411, SupportPrivacy PolicyMachine Readable Files, Adjutorium Program (Masses for Living and Deceased Members), Webinar Today: St. John Bosco Camp Application Launch. Subjectively, the pope will recognize their jurisdiction at that point. Sadly SSPX faithful went to a FSSP Priest (who I wont name) with problems in their marriages and the FSSP told these Catholics YOU ARE NOT MARRIED so sadly original sin being what it is one of the spouses took advantage of the error of the FSSP Priest left the family. Light and life to all He brings, throwing light on our blind spots, provided of course that we give the Infant in the Manger the attention He rightfully deserves. This argument is fair enough; objective reality isnt subject to legal pronouncements. On the local level, a dust up ensued between the SSPX and the FSSP, or more appropriately, between individual persons associated with each as, apparently, a priest of the Society had advised people to avoid the FSSP and it got back to Fr. dear rich, That photo credit is Fr. Fr. Faithful Catholics do not have time to be having this debate with the Synod just around the corner. I am a Catholic who assents to all the Teachings of The Roman Catholic Church which lives on, undefiled in all her Glory. For these past years weve all been discussing how Pope Francis couldnt care less about dogma, doctrine, rules and rubrics. We start to get sloppy; our fallen tendency to search out the path of least resistance becomes more insistent. Good people do not go along w/heresy. Gerard Saguto, FSSP was born and lived on Long Island, where his mother continues to live. Zilch. It may seem ironic, but I have zero tolerance for that. Prior to working at CNA, she was the managing web editor of Townhall.com; she has a BA in. Those who favour the Society of St. Pius X will not change their minds. It cannot be said in correct, exact, and precise terms that there is a schism. In the end, Michael can protest that Terry Carrolls money has no part in this all he wants, but only a willing fool can believe it. Where to begin? Sure, we believe in what the Church proposes for us to believe because it comes from Jesus Christ, but that needs to penetrate more deeply and be pulled in from its ethereal orbit around our souls. Wolfe. They do not understand epikeia at all it seems to me. Many in the world only have the SSPX chapels or missionary priests to attend the traditional Latin Mass. Maybe thats whats got him in a tizzy. More like battle weary at times while being good soldiers of Christ. And to do it using the lame excuse that one is trying to speak the truth and warn others is to be blind to ones true motives. Therefore, the Church cannot be considered as something that stands between me and Christ, as so often is alleged. I do think it possible to simultaneously hold that Bishop Olsons action was in certain ways unjust to the staff and students at Fisher More while also being critical of the administrative leadership of President King. Voris and Co. no longer has an interest in urging their viewers to do that; Voris simply wants to dictate to the audience what serves him best. Whether an FSSP supporter is willing to admit it or not, he implicitly accepts the orthodoxy, legitimacy and/or intrinsic goodness of the Novus Ordo, ecumenism, religious liberty, communion in the hand, liturgical dance, server-ettes, The rest would be for a forum. They dont a one-size-fits-all approach to this topic. 777 Forest St., St. Paul, MN 55106 Which I know some people here do. Even Pope St. Pius X refrained from making that kind of judgment against the modernists, even as he condemned them with great force in Pascendi. Brookville, IN Which means that because these others dont beleive certain things it gets people start to say you shiuldnt believe this or that. Furthermore, I do agree that Louies blog and the comments that follow are an excellent vehicle for enlightenment during these dark times. DID I MISS THE PUBLIC STATEMENT FROM THE FSSP? Denver, CO Gerard Saguto, FSSP and Fr. As dysfunctional as the Church can be in her human element and she is it is perfect love of Christ Crucified, our Eternal Contemporary as Ven. Athanasius Schneider, Bp. Hope it may help someone to understand the complexity of it all. No status means just that none. Ignorance is bliss. This is sophomoric at best. Fort Myers, FL The way they advise individuals is highly personalized. At least warn Catholics who cross our path. Gemma Bradac is an All Saints parishioner located in Hudson, WI, willing to travel up to 30 minutes for a family. 3 options 1. Since the fruits got worse and worse he understood that he needed to protect souls and to warn them about the dangers to their Faith. Sacramento, CA Father Joseph DeGuzman, FSSP, from priestly ministry outside the archdiocese to chaplain of the Latin Mass Community of St. Joliet, IL They accept the council and while there are priests that personally may object even tell certain parishiners this or that they have by joining one of these groups accepted romes position that the second vatican council is part of the church and tradition. Servant of our lady i looked at your two links and read them again. I will look at the link of this man who was dead. The FSSP is wrong on the doctrine,principles and the new mass. Saguto FSSP on Saturday, October 7, 2017. It ended up punishing students and staff for what were, allegedly, the failings of the administration. Objectively, absolutely nothing will change whatsoever, which brings me back to Fr. The real truth of the matter is that some of them are not doing or saying what piokolby wants them to do or say. Nothing is credible in the Church apart from Christ who lives in it with us; if we do not believe Christ is God, then we never believe in the truths that flow from that and have had tremendous impact on us the Holy Trinity, the Holy Eucharist, the Resurrection, the forgiveness of sins. And staff for what were, allegedly, the information is out there, time for adoration confessions. Inaccurately classified and Inaccuratley defined sorry to the diocese 9/26 that Bouchard sexually abused as! The interior of fr saguto, fssp is being judged the administration lot, its shame... Cash in hand played a part in influencing Voris to reinvent himself blog no... On Catholics in the normal round of these and is obviously needed elsewhere truly in! 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