, pub-8200221173648661, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 After graduating from high school,Bruce played football for the University of Illinois where he played with Dick Butkus. She asked Fecarotta to hand down a heavy punishment on Whitley. Glenbard West Football Roster. "The entire Glenbard West community is saddened to learn of the death of Pierre Washington-Steel, and we extend our heartfelt sympathy to his family," said Principal Jane Thorsen. .eTzGW3{bottom:0;left:0;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;width:100%}.wpwzqP{transform:translateY(-100%);transition:.2s ease-in}.yvRvMm{transition:.2s}.V9flOj{opacity:0;transition:.2s ease-in}.V9flOj.DH8Vec{z-index:-1!important}.Hp2ail{opacity:1;transition:.2s}.NLAuDF{height:auto}.EQck1z,.NLAuDF{position:relative;width:100%}:host(:not(.device-mobile-optimized)) .GfA1x8,body:not(.device-mobile-optimized) .GfA1x8{margin-left:calc((100% - var(--site-width))/2);width:var(--site-width)}.O5cMpu[data-focuscycled=active]{outline:1px solid transparent}.O5cMpu[data-focuscycled=active]:not(:focus-within){outline:2px solid transparent;transition:outline .01s ease}.O5cMpu .L_TIaC{background:var(--screenwidth-corvid-border-color,rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1)));bottom:0;box-shadow:1px 1px rgba(var(--shc-mutated-brightness,var(--color_0)),var(--alpha-shc-mutated-brightness,1)),3px 3px rgba(var(--shc-mutated-brightness,var(--color_0)),var(--alpha-shc-mutated-brightness,1)),5px 5px rgba(var(--shc-mutated-brightness,var(--color_0)),var(--alpha-shc-mutated-brightness,1)),7px 7px rgba(var(--shc-mutated-brightness,var(--color_0)),var(--alpha-shc-mutated-brightness,1)),9px 9px rgba(var(--shc-mutated-brightness,var(--color_0)),var(--alpha-shc-mutated-brightness,1));left:0;right:0;top:0}.O5cMpu .BXzliD,.O5cMpu .L_TIaC{border-radius:var(--rd,0);position:absolute}.O5cMpu .BXzliD{background-color:var(--screenwidth-corvid-background-color,rgba(var(--bg,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-bg,1)));bottom:var(--brw,0);left:var(--brw,0);right:var(--brw,0);top:var(--brw,0)}.O5cMpu .GfA1x8{bottom:0;left:0;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}:host(.device-mobile-optimized) .O5cMpu .GfA1x8,body.device-mobile-optimized .O5cMpu .GfA1x8{left:10px;right:10px} A press release from the school said that "Pierre was a well-liked young man, known for his smile, which was contagious and lit up the room. Class of 1946: Joe Carlton Glenbard High School graduate and author of the book As the Backs go Tearing By, a detailed history of Glenbard's football story.At far left, Grace Davidson, the second GWHS Historic Society club president, presents him with and official Glenbard West Historical Society t-shirta must wear on all Fridays. As a running back and slot receiver I feel my strongest trait is the ability to make the first tackler miss. ", Fecarotta last month convicted Whitley on four counts of felony criminal sexual assault for the Jan. 29, 2010, crime. Washington-Steel, a popular star on Glenbard West's powerhouse football team, died a few days later of his injuries. And while Fecarotta questioned whether Whitley was just sorry or truly remorseful, after today's hearing, his defense attorney insisted he is. Before he lost his life, Bruce had taken the time to write a letter to a 6-year-old boy from back home. On this page, you can read the YouTube script. A top student athlete at Glenbrook North High School died Thursday in an apparent suicide just months before graduation after his family said the teen's struggle with depression worsened significantly during the coronavirus pandemic. During her time at Glenbard West, Lindsey helped Glenbard West win the 2017 3A Track and Field State Championship. He enjoys writing primarily about sports topics and loves spending time with friends and family. Can You Solve the Murder Mystery of Glenbard West Theatre? Cook County Judge Thomas Fecarotta handed down the sentence on 19-year-old Demarco Whitley after hearing the girl testify she still suffers the effects of attack, the Sun-Times is reporting. Whitley remains in the hospital in serious condition. By Joshua WelgeShaw Media Illinois. Seventeen-year-old Pierre . I made sure to keep my defense on when I wasn't hitting." After the girl had sex with him and Washington-Steel, they dropped her off at a friend's house, bought gas and pizza, then Whitley and Washington-Steel were driving back to their DuPage County homes when the car struck a utility pole. .TWFxr5{height:auto!important}. As he is only a freshman, Rory has seen little action, but it seems that his potential will lift him into the rotation. "I knew it was going to be high-scoring both sides," Maine South coach Dave Inserra said. When Capel died two years later, the Hitters Club was born and the tradition continued . School Hub Clubhouse Schedule Roster Coaches JV Team Freshman Team. The strategy worked with Michael Short recovering the kick. On the first play following a punt, Leyden, who would finish 19-of-24 passing for 426 yards, hooked up with Mullen (5 receptions, 155 yards) on a 35-yard touchdown. Newsletter. ". But, that's how fast Maine South can strike. I just want to say I'm sorry.". Dylan was the definition of leadership, he was a great teammate who was respected by opponents and coaches throughout the state. By: Peter "Coach Big Pete" Leinweber So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Alec Pierce (Football/Junior)- Cincinnati University Glenbard West played a little keep away to hold off Maine South 37-34 in the Class 8A quarterfinals Saturday in Park Ridge. Im very elusive and I rarely get taken down by first contact. Pierce grew up in Glen Ellyn, Illinois and attended Glenbard West High School, where he played football, volleyball, basketball and ran track. We proudly sell a variety of spirit wear/gear at Glenbard West home football games, Back-to-School events, (including registration,) Glenbard West Open House, 8th grade Parent Night, Activity Night, and more. A Glenbard West High School football player died today from injuries he received in a car crash last Friday. Prep Football This upcoming collegiate track season is crucial for him to get his name known on the team and hopefully in the conference. Not only was his individual performance solid, the Bearcats produced the second-best record in the American Athletic Conference at 11-3 and finishing the season ranked 21st in the nation. All rights reserved, Report: Jalen Carter Arrest Warrant Issued for Racing Car, All Eyes On a Strong' System That Could Hit Chicago Area Friday, But Much Uncertainty Remains, Election Results: See How All 50 Wards Voted in Chicago's Aldermanic Elections, Who Did Your Ward Vote For? In a statement Glenbrook North Head Coach Matt Purdy said the team "lost an amazing leader, friend, dedicated student, and athlete. CB, FS Sr. 6' 0 . It appears that she will run distance for Stanford in the vast majority of their meets this season. Watch the 5-minunte YouTube video (at left) to learn more about him. If Brodner does get the Tribune football award, I would first look at the history of . ", "Parents, go and hug your kids, and kids tell your parents you love them," he said. Stream: Lyons vs Glenbard West Live On Demand (Free Trial) the Lyons vs Glenbard West 2022 seasonal Game Live . High School Football Team Game History. I felt like a disgusting person," she said. After a third try was unsuccessful, Maine South (9-3) showed why it is so important to keep the ball away from the Hawks, Maine South flew down the field in just under two minutes with Leyden scoring on a 22-yard run to cut the lead to 24-21. Whitley remained calm during most of the hearing but when the judge asked him if there was anything he wanted to say, Whitley stood up and said, "Judge, I want you to know, I'm not that type of person. John Bosco ( CA) ( NFSH) got the party began by defeating Illinois Crusaders ( Phenix City) 38- 22 at Protective Stadium on Wednesday to capture its . Glenbard West Football players are known, collectively, as "The Hitters" as a tribute to Bruce Capel--the GWHS graduate who lived and died with an amazing adherence to the highest values. But the Hawks' onside kick was not successful and the Hilltoppers were able to hold on for the win. Sandra Torres reports. Time: In Progress. The future is truly looking very bright for this fellow Glenbard West alumnus. "This is a profound loss for our entire school community and our hearts go out to all of Dylans family and friends. Bruces death was a hard loss for his family, fiance, the community, and for his former teammate and roommate, Dick Butkus., pub-8200221173648661, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 670 Crescent Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137. Boosters are the official provider of Glenbard West clothing and merchandise. As a safety and DB, I think my strongest trait is my ability to make a play on the ball when its in the air, and the quick cuts Im able to make in and out of my breaks. ", "It is with deep sadness that I share news of the tragic and sudden loss of GBN Senior Dylan Buckner," Principal Jason Markey wrote in a letter to parents and students. "We can run the ball and pass the ball," said Korey Tai, who was 8-of-12 passing for 82 yards and rushed for 88 yards. Thats what Dylan would do.". The 17-year-old Washington-Steel died from his injuries days after the crash, while Whitley was severely hurt. They forced a turnover and turned away Maine South on two other occasions to have what appeared to be a comfortable lead with just over two minutes. ", "He was respected and loved by so many, and his lasting impact is felt and noted through hundreds of emails, texts, and notes we are receiving from our school community and far beyond," Purdy said. It is a product of Classreport, Inc. and may not be affiliated with Glenbard West High School or its alumni association. Then we were like, let's just try it again.". Butkus career was so impressive that, not only did he make it into the Football Hall of Fame, but the Chicago Bears even retired #51--the number worn by Dick Butkus--and his friend, Bruce Capel. He continually had a good disposition. 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