They make those? Harry Potter and Seraphina McCall thought their lives couldn't be any worse than it is right now, but they just jinxed it. Or even just before your mum and Ginny. And as they were travelling to school, it could be considered a school matter, Kingsley mused. Fudge picked up one of the books reading the title "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" 'hmm' he thought 'this could be useful', Hey, at least it worked in your favour, Fred grinned. Its the only reason I can think of that the barrier wouldnt let the two boys through, Kingsley mused. Back then I still thought magic could fix pretty much anything, Harry admitted. And one of those boys was Harry Potter. Harry noted the tricky part was getting onto the platform which wasnt visible to the muggle eye, which had to be done carefully so muggles didnt notice you vanishing. 302. 6. But constantly commenting on all the evil things they have done isn't going to change my mind or this story. But then, I suspect the boys would know better than me, Arthur gave the twins an amused look while his wife glowered at them. I was so worried when I couldnt find either of you on the train. The Whomping Willow. The witch came dangerously close to actually rolling her eyes. They trailed behind him, down into the dungeons below. Severus barely managed to supress a snort at that. Excuse me! Severus exploded. 3. Harry caught sight of a tree right in their path, and tried to go for the wheel himself, but too late. I dont know why youre so happy, Severus. percyjackson; groverunderwood; poseidonsdaughter +22 more. At least you had some sense, Emmeline sighed. Im sure he thought we deserved it for messing around. Harry shrugged. Continuing by speculating they didn't want the rest of the school to know that they'd arrived by flying car. She agreed not to take points but stated they would both have detention. Harry Potter | Fantasy Reading The Books Marauders Era Marauders Read The Books Time Travel. He took the proffered book and located the correct page. Spirithorse16 - Hogwarts reads the books: 1,2,3,4 not sure how far 4 goes but I think it's after the first task. Through the gloom they could make out that the trunk was nearly bent double as its limbs continued smashing every inch of the car it could reach. But Id be amazed if he could perform any spells with his wand in that condition. Especially with the lack of proper food, she replied. We didnt mean to worry you, Ron told her. Most of the comments they make are ones I made myself upon reading the series as an adult. Also, not a satisfactory meal, Andromeda stated. Snape began reading from the front cover about how the car had been seen all over the country, by seven Muggles in total. You dont thinkDobby? Charlie frowned at his brother. Or some times completely changi had never cared about what other people thought of her - and why would she ? Severus sneered. Am looking for a Harry potter that I read waiting for one of the Harry potter books to be released, I'm about 50/50 on it being an Order of the phoenix fanfiction. This author has like 3 HP reading stories, this one is complete, one only has 2 and there's . start of the 1976 school year. Harry decided he'd take that. Ron tried to ask what was going on, but then they both caught sight of a branch as thick as a python smashing down on the windshield. He looked rather like his twin sons when they were trying to look innocent. You do realise the train can go quite far in half an hour, maybe in a different direction. They wondered how much further it was. Wish wed had those. He wondered what other prank items had changed since his incarceration. We ask you to please, read the books and try to do the right thing. That's when Fudge and Umbridge came in holding what looked like books, both smiling as they had just won the lottery. "Anything's possible if you have enough nerve, and we've got that in a frightening amount with this lot. At least this mess had already been dealt with, so there would be no further repercussions with the Ministry workers reading this information. Harry, Remus, Sirius, Fred, George, Lucius, Draco, Severus and Tom Voldemort , gets locked in a room reading about Harry's life, and Dumbledore's fake prophecy. He had a bad feeling about this. They headed back to the car, and they got in. Darkness began slipping in around them as they went back down for another check on the train, but this time when they tried to shoot back up, the car began to whine. I should be able to have a new punishment and reward system in place for the start of next year.. Please tell me you reinforced the glass? Molly begged her husband. Harry Potter | Fanfiction Fantasy Reading The Books Marauders Era Marauders Read The Books Time Travel. Everyone winced at that. Summer came to an end too quickly for Harry. The car doors opened on their own, the seats tipped sideways, and Harry found himself sprawled out on the grass. instead he was locked in a cubrt starved and abused untill one day he was teleported to a world where there were. We all knew by the time they made it to the common room.. He managed to swing the car in a great arc away from the stone walls. Wicked. Sirius whistled. And I doubt there was anything to drink in the car, Bill warned. And its probably a lot more comfortable, Charlie pointed out, looking unsympathetic. They thought being called liars and having det A WARLIKE WOMAN So, you thought wed just go home and leave the car there until next summer? Arthur raised an eyebrow. Mum, it was just a tiny cut. Involving missing What if Natasha Romanoff didn't die in Endgame? Severus huffed, but without as much emotion as he had felt previously. You actually got away with that? Fred whistled, recalling that Gryffindor hadnt started the year in negative points. as well as Which would fall to her as deputy headmistress. left kudos on this work! Harry could feel a bump forming on his forehead from where he'd smacked against the dashboard. The car still didn't seem happy about this though, now shuddering so hard it knocked their teeth together. Yeah. The boys grabbed their stuff and began trudging up towards the castle, far more dejected than they would have expected. Ron was just coming back to his senses when the car seemed to decide it'd had enough of them. And I thought your mothers punishment was enough.. Unfortunately, twelve and panicking doesnt actually stop them from breaking the law. An owl, the Knight Bus which Im sure Mr. Weasley knew how to summon, waiting for your parents.. Its the mess with the points from first year and the forest detention all over again, Neville muttered to himself. So yeah, they are going to sit around and comment on all the stupid things the kids did at school, because they were indeed stupid, but not because the adults are perfect or never did stupid things themselves, it's just human nature to point these things out. Thatll only make you thirstier. This is a story of how the Marauders, enemies and acquaintances read the Harry Potter books, but with some changes. Mrs Weasley went with Ginny. She instructed them to eat in here and then go to their dormitories when they were done, then she excused herself and left as well. She could hardly believe how out of touch the professors had become. Although, those exploits may not have happened had they gotten there a little earlier. Nothing is fixing that wand, Bill shook his head. I was fine, Ron assured her quickly. Yeah, we wondered why she was giving you the cold shoulder during that term. Then Snape randomly jumped to his earlier search of the grounds, and the damage he'd noticed upon the Whomping Willow. At least the squid would have helped us out rather than try to beat us up. Harry nodded in agreement. None of them knew why and were confused about what could be happening that would need everyone. I was fine, Ron repeated exasperatedly. He had told all of them what had happened that night after he came back from the hospital wing to find them all freaking out that he was missing. A few notice-me-not and muggle repelling charms would have done the trick, Arthur said quietly. Molly threw a glare in the twins direction. Warning: There's gonna be Prefect, Cho, Lucius, Umbridge, Peter, Voldemort, Lockhart, Vernon, and Ministry bashing. Umbridge finds seven books about Harry Potter from another . Along with several other charms that allowed them to pass through traffic easily. Bet she just didnt want him to fly the car. 303 pages Completed December 9, 2021 MultiFandom Check. Bill-Arthur It was only at the last second you even thought about getting past Fluffy, despite that being the only part you actually knew about, Remus added. Its a time bubble. Ron encouraged it on just a little farther, but Harry could now see steam beginning to pour out from under the hood. We only popped down every now and again quickly, to make sure we were going in the same direction, explained Ron. The boys exchanged an uneasy look, Ron trying and failing to reassure that the car may just be tired, as it had never travelled this far before. Ron yelped and swung the steering wheel, hard. It was for astudent project, Minerva lied with only a slight hesitation. The beautiful patterns and different colours that the sun made as it reflected off of the puffy clouds easily held his attention, and after searching the car a bit, they found some toffees to share. Next time I am making sure all of you pack the night before, Molly told the group. "If that's another rediculous Educational Decree," he said in a low voice, "I might just burst." Hermione and Ron nodded in agreement. With books arrivin potter-hogwarts-dursleys-azkaban-james-sirius-severus-parseltongue-quibbler-hagrid-hermione. How did you know how to fly the car? Molly rounded on her son. Charlie-Molly He hadnt reckoned on magic. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. That's when Dumbledore spoke up "Flitwick may you please charm the book that read itself out loud? Of course, it would have healed a lot more smoothly if he hadnt kept butting in, she added with a slight snarl that looked completely out of place on the mild womans face. He knew his friend considered the castle his home. Now that he knew it was unlikely Harry had done it for attention, the way he had previously assumed, he was curious to hear their reasoning, foolish as it likely was. And it also happens to be from the future? Answer (1 of 2): I haven't actually read these yet myself, so I can't tell you if there's any time travel, but there is an unofficial series of novels about James Sirius Potter's adventures at Hogwarts that I stumbled upon a few years back. Harry began stammering that he hadn't thought, and McGonagall curtly replied that this was obvious. After Amelia came out three more came out right behind her. Each one of them tells the story about a school year, from the point of view of Harry Potter. He doesn't know why Ron and Hermione don't just come and sit with them, ever since Ron joined the team this year he doesn't really talk to them outside of practice and try to bond with them. I hope it was impressed upon you two exactly how serious this was? Both boys nodded vigorously. What was amusing about this situation? So, the Legends, along with Harry Potter, Lena Luthor, and Kara Danvers, along with some guests, read the Harry Potter series. An owl would have taken far too long. Were you ok? Charlie asked his brother in concern. having lived or existed for only a short time. Theyd just be disappointed Harry didnt get himself killed, Sirius scowled. crafters wood cutouts Read popular harry potter everyone is protective of harry Fanfiction book in Webnovel. Ron's knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, pleading with the car now just a few feet more and gave the gas pedal one more push, then the car stuttered, and died. Both boys eagerly stepped forward, trying to avoid said point, only to step into a swarm of applauding Gryffindors. No wonder you guys had to jump onto the train while it was taking off, Charlie whistled. Harry felt a prickle of unease, this wasn't the first time Snape had given the appearance of being omniscient, but this time in answer he pulled out an evening copy of the Daily Prophet which had the bold headline stating that a Flying Ford Anglia had Mystified Muggles. And there you go again, not even giving them a chance to explain themselves. Remus shook his head in disapproval. Harry wasnt sure how all eight of them, plus their luggage, was going to fit in the old Ford Anglia. Ron, however misguided his belief was, somehow thought his parents might just apparate home so didnt think about waiting for them, Sirius pointed out. Hedwig was shrieking in the backseat. If you wanted them to listen you really shouldnt have given them the password until youd finished, Bill told her. Work Search: Ron was visibly nervous now as he patted the dashboard, telling the car it couldn't be far now. This hardly counts as a real emergency, Kingsley said dryly. Maybe that will put you off such foolish stunts in the future, Minerva said, though without too much hope. The Keeper Of Keys. Harry looked in disdain at the grinning cartoon snake on the front of the diaper. You told us youd forgotten your homework, so it would have taken too long to owl it to you if you needed it the next morning. They didnt like sending Errol on a rush job unless it was absolutely necessary. The Vanishing Glass Well, that hat wanted me there for a reason, he grinned back. He told her about the invisibility booster, but she still refused, saying not in broad daylight. Youd never do anything to deliberately hurt Hedwig.. raccoonharry. In the end, he said nothing not wanting to put his foot in his mouth. "No mate, I'm going to go sit with the rest of the team" and walked off towards the group, sitting between Fred and Angelina and across from George, Katie, and Alicia. Snape looked as though Christmas had been cancelled. How late were you guys? Remus wondered. Harry couldn't seem to wipe the smile off his face for the rest of the night. It was first published in Britain in 1997 and appeared in the United States the following year under the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Ron and Harry both blushed. You know full well Dumbledore would never expel Harry Potter, Emmeline pointed out. One more and then I think we should stop for this evening, Molly suggested glancing at the time. Joined by Remus and Tonks, they read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows together. They only had five minutes left when Mrs Weasley directed Percy through the barrier. Young Lily Evans Potter. Rons no sidekick! Harry protested as he hadnt been able to then. And I doubt Ron did either, Harry pointed out. We pack most of our stuff the day before, George said, it just gets really spread out after two months.. Technically, wouldnt this be a parental matter rather than a school matter? Ive had detention for a month for less than that! Why not floo to the station? Draco wondered. What in the name on Merlin is going on? Sirius wanted to know. A few people chuckled now that they knew both boys were relatively unharmed. Of course, he was Ron, Hermione sighed. Even then, Fred agreed. Fred and George fought their way over, though they hardly looked happy as they demanded to know why they hadn't been asked to come along. All of the windows were charmed to be unbreakable.. If wed have gotten that far, Ron muttered grumpily. Thats not good, Sirius muttered anxiously, even more worried since Emmelines comment about the Whomping Willow being involved somehow. After hours of this though, the thrill began to wear off. Just hope it gets them out of there! Charlie said. "Alicia asked looking at the group. Then he kept going in as close to a happy voice as he could, stating that if they'd been in his house, they would have been expelled that moment. Harry as he sits in his room at privet drive, wonders in what has happened to a friend that he had met in his first year at Hogwarts, Roxas. Harry wondered how Rons parents would get home. At the penetrating look he received from the headmaster's blue eyes; Harry suddenly decided he'd rather be back outside with the Whomping Willow. Ron blushed. What if one night the sisters were at home alone when there was a knock Polyamorous How did the fireworks not burn anything if you set them off inside? Sirius wondered in confusion. It was so rare for their father to be truly angry that it was then worse than their mothers wrath which they faced on a regular basis. Sadly, he didn't have that power, and he was going to get the people who did. Harry and Ron waited in terrified silence, but didn't have to wonder long as Snape soon returned with Professor McGonagall. But with the invisibility booster, and a few notice-me-not charms after you landed, nobody would have noticed, Bill pointed out. Sirius slipped off, knowing his godson would be waiting in the third story study for him. Read Chapter Twenty Nine from the story The Dream Trilogy Book One: To Dwell On Dreams (A Harry Potter FanFiction) by HelenJay (The Dream Trilogy) with 4,565 r. That was completely different. Harry's name is written inside the briefs. Well, you did only use the cloak a total of, what, four or five times? Sirius pointed out with a pout. Were not in a hurry and I dont think we want to rush the readings and miss important details, Kingsley pointed out. Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Well, after how expensive the supplies were that summer and with the, er, letter from mum the next morning, I figured I wouldnt bother., Foolish boy! Moody barked. Join Harry and everyone reading the Harry Potter book series (This is a crackfic and is hopefully better than the summary) Also, while I may not support the author, a decent chunk of this is JK Rowling's work, since they are reading the book series afterall. The willow? Remus looked sharply at Harry. Now would be a good time for the flip side of the famed Potter luck, Bill mumbled to himself. They would get an underage magic warning and Harrys already had one of those, Kingsley pointed out. Sirius grimaced. The charms will break before that tree runs out of energy, Sirius pointed out worriedly. I genuinely cannot understand how half of the events came to pass in a school, even a magical one, but such is how plots work. Mrs Weasley was in a bad mood and people kept colliding on the stairs, half dressed with bits of toast in their hands. Flitwick did as asked and the book opened, ready to begin. Work Search: I think Id rather have crashed into the lake than the tree, Ron muttered quietly to his friend. Ah, apologies Severus, I wasnt thinking, Minerva winced. 80 7 2. Figured either my ear would go through signalling it was open again, or I might be able to hear something from the other side.. No. Not to mention, it would likely have been forgotten in the aftermath of Ron and Harrys exploits. Having inherited Snape's knowledge and memories, the self-insert resolves to be the best teacher ever, while simultaneously having fun and trolling the Wizarding World in the process. Uh George offered a sheepish grin. They had noted the greater than normal number of accidents Ron had had with spellcasting that year, but by Halloween there had been other things on their minds. He has that effect, Sirius muttered. Harry is so often seen as James Potter's son, but he is also Lily Evans'. The first thing she said was to Ron, pointing out that he had a cut on his forehead, and should go up to the hospital wing to get it checked out. Hogwarts Finds Out The Truth-Book 1 Fanfiction_Fan_Girl. Get into the clouds, quickly, Percy advised. 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