My husband was stationed in Ubon from March 1963-March 1964 and has a lot of photos taken during that time. My email address is IM have a time with the VA too. They fired 39 rounds onto the air base that night which were well short of the AC-130s. [4]:20, In response to the Easter Offensive, from April 1972 F-4E squadrons temporarily deployed from the US to Ubon during the Constant Guard buildup as follows:[20][13]:223, The 334th TFS flew its first missions of Operation Freedom Train on 14 April, followed by the 366th the following day. Ubon RTAFB is the home of Wing 21 of the RTAF 2nd Air Division. Had an absolutely gorgeous wife. Here is my review on it. Had no luck finding anyone who worked in the Comm Shop. Was in the 435th 7/67-7/68 and never saw napalm or A-1s in revetments. Memories of Ubon! Hooches to the right and enlisted quarters at the end of the road. 4th Fighter Wing History. Its not fair to single out any one specialty for special notice because each and everyone of you were an essential part of the team. I used Calamine for months and it eventually went away. I was with the 433rd my aircraft number 644679D It carried the laser pod. 1972. Major Mack stands in front of the aircraft. At 02:01 a Security Policeman fired on a sapper inside the base perimeter and further sappers and Security Police joined the engagement with 5 sappers being killed. We must know each other. Edward B. Hes name was Bill. Be well. Crew members of EC-121 Aircraft work and check equipment inside aircraft at Ubon Air Base in Thailand. Worked on F4s and helped occasionally with malfunctions on the old B57s. Im going to try to find that Facebook site someone referenced. Thanks, Grant Hernandez. Contact Us | The B52 base at Utapao, 90 miles southeast of Bangkok, was attacked Jan. 9, and three of the huge bombers were slightly damaged, according to official accounts. That is now why I am now trying to research and reconnect with some of my buds. We dont have much information about him. Thai Air Force T 28, don't ever remember them doing much, buzz the flight line every now and then. Hey Charlie, try contacting me at Worked days for about 7 months, finished my year on a 3 PM to 7AM shift every other day. In 1973 until 1974 the 1982nd Radio Maintenance section maintained the electronic sensor intrusion detection system on the perimeters of both the base and the bomb dump. Charles B. DeBellevue was a Weapons Systems Officer (WSO) flying F-4 Phantoms during the Vietnam War. Also welcome are family members including the Ubon Veterans legally married spouse,their children and grandchildren and the Ubon Vets brother or sister.If requesting members are accepted, they will be provided . I have type 2 diabetes and I have filed a claim. Yes Im happy and god willing, been blessed. There were 4 squadrons of F-4s let me see if I can remember them 25th TFS, 497 TFS, 435 TFS, 433 TFS. The Egress guy was my grandfather, Miguel A. Hernandez-Diaz. The last of the Constant Guard F4 augmentation forces were released in September 1973. Hi Christina I am the admin here. For a few extra baht they would let us pedal them, they must have read Mark Twain. License Agreement | About Us | Read this exciting story from Scale Aircraft Modelling November 2019. What a great site. Any help would be appreciated. The members have put hundreds of photos of the base and town there. Some of the missiles i loaded took down Migs. There certainly are many different places were some foreigners tend to gather from time to time. Great piece, John! Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base is a Royal Thai Air Force facility. Base was all dark, and the AP would not let me pass. I am glad he did as like everyone who has provided this blog with information about old time Ubon it makes for compelling reading and viewing. Names of co-workers that I can remember off the top of my head are: Mick Glaze, Larry Sullivan, Bill Muncey, Carter, Fimple, and Woody. I was on the top floor of the Ubon hotel recently for a cold one while the sun went down. For me, I was scared, kneeling there on the floor writing. Sappers hit Udorn Oct 3rd. ASA units in Thailand, clarified by Gary Kay: The 5th RRU was there first, of course, and it morphed into the 83rd RRSOU, still in Bangkok. Some nice memories their Joe thanks for taking the time to share them. In reading some the threads regarding AO, I too am now starting to experience skin cancer and first surgery is scheduled at VA hospital in a couple weeks. He is looking for anyone who was stationed there at that time time. I do, but have not found it yet. Link to this photo view: Link to this photo large view: Hi Dave, welcome and thanks for your memories. . During the Vietnam War, about 80% of all USAF air strikes over North Vietnam originated from air bases in Thailand. Powered byWPtouch Mobile Suite for WordPress, Abraham Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Memorial Squad, Arlington National Cemetery Bivouac of The Dead, Arlington National Cemetery Innovations, Change and The Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery Mismanagement in all Respects, Arlington National Cemetery New wars, Visions and Progress, Arlington National Cemetery Prelude to Assassination, Arlington National Cemetery Rebuild - Another War - The Last Unknown, Arlington National Cemetery Resentment and Ownership, Arlington National Cemetery Table of Contents, Arlington National Cemetery Taps and Unseen Ceremonies, Arlington National Cemetery The Viet Nam Unknown, Arlington National Cemetery War Comes to Arlington, Co. B, 321st USASA Battalion Camp Casey, Tongduchon-ni 7th Infantry Division Photos - David Powers, History Arlington National Cemetery Table of Contents, Retired: Members Alphabetically with email. Thank you, Brent served at Ubon RTAFB as bomb loader/weapons mechanic sometime between 1970-72. In Cambodia the USAF carried out a massive bombing campaign to prevent the Khmer Rouge from taking over the country. I heard they were giving 10-20%. I was there in 73 74 on the F4s as Egress. With its CAC Sabres now obsolete and restricted from operating outside Thai airspace, the squadron was disbanded at the end of July 1968. the squadron had just moved from Cobra Heights on the other side of the base. There was a wide strip outside the fence with no vegetation, dont ever remember anyone mowing it. To win service connection for this Oklahoma . If youre not already a member, I suggest you join the Facebook site Ubon Vets. I was stationed at Ubon at this time (after serving at NKP from 07/67 to 07/69 with the 56th AMS) and was flown with the Bob Hope group from Ubon so I could be in attendance. 3 January 1968: CAC Sabre A94-986 crashed into farms on approach outside the town due to engine failure. I recently was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, which I believe is service related due to the herbicides being used during my tour of duty there. We were loading and had a break caught the very end of the show, Called your office the other day, fella said he had your desk, chair & phone for a couple years, so you must have retired. google_ad_width = 250; LOL.. I was stationed at Ubon Aug 1971-Aug 1972 assigned to the 8th Security police Sq Great assignment W/B Robert E Williams Gloucester ,Ma. I was stationed at UBON RTAFB Thailand 1971-72 and worked at the 408th MMS Bomb Dump. Go figure. Im from Arkansas. Most foreigners tend to keep to themselves out in the country side with the occasional jaunt into the big smoke for supplies but there are enough around at the places mentioned above that I am sure will keep you amused in one way or another! 8th Security Police Squadron, Ubon Air Base, safeguarded and defended the base, which was probed and attacked in force by NVA and VC soldiers. It is approximately 488 km (303 miles) northeast of Bangkok. Known squadrons of the 432nd TRW were: Tactical Reconnaissance Squadrons: [3]:256 No. The squadron was established in May 1943 as a fighter unit equipped with Supermarine Spitfires, and subsequently saw combat in the South West Pacific theatre of World War II.Between June 1943 and the end of the war in August 1945 it flew air defence patrols to protect . Great pics of Ubon flight line, but where are the A/C-130s and 119s ? google_ad_slot = "5169356608"; 408th MMS from Jan 68 through Mar 69. My shock came when no records were found showing the TDY, no medical record of the rash treatment, and no evidence that should have existed with regard to the boot on the ground evidence of my time in country. All info is helpful. The photos bring back a lot of memories. My Account | I was in Ubon from Feb. 1969 to Feb. 1970, worked on (auto-pilot sys.) Air start attempts unsuccessful. There is a link on this blog. My name Rey Duran served during Col Olds and James, 2-1967 thru 2-1968. Is anyone willing to do this? [16], On 27 February 1968 the first prototype AC-130A Gunship II began operations from Ubon, destroying 9 trucks and 2 services areas in Laos on its first sortie. I have 4 of the top disease associated with Agent Orange, Parkinsons Disease, Perperipheal Neuropathy,Ischemic Heart Disease and Type II Diabetes , mild to medium dementia and Horners Disease( none of this runs in my family. I have filed no claim at this time but after reading these many comments, filing a claim might be in the future. I am trying to find Carl J. Santoro NY. 1968-1969. You are ALL heroes in my eyes! The base received combat pay that month. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! 30; Phitsanulok AB runway No. After crouching there for awhile I noticed I was shielding myself behind napalm that was on the aircraft. If anyone has any photos of my father they would be cherished and greatly appreciated by my family. We lived in a 2 story cinder block barracks which were originally open bay. There were no EOD guys available, so I had to crawl underneath the F-4, and dearm the whole plane, plus remove 2 AIM-7 missles. My name is Rey Duran, and I was station in Ubon RTAFB in Feb.1967 thru Feb. 1968. In October we came under a mortar attack exact date I cannot recall. We all got a lengthy talk about seat safety since our group would have to get in the seats to test our equipment. I do recommend you getting onto that Facebook page though as you will get 10 x the response there! U.S. Air Force Veterans who served on Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) bases at U-Tapao, Ubon, Nakhon Phanom, Udorn, Takhli, Korat, and Don Muang, near or on the air base perimeter anytime between February 28, 1961 and . My flight to Thailand also stopped in Viet Nam at Bien Hoa but they deny that also. I dont know if we armed any more flights that night, the early morning wolf birds with centerline gun pod, two inboard rocket pods, two outboard fuel tanks, may have waited for day shift at 0600 hours. Sq (AFCS) providing Air Traffic Control services for the Ubon tower, terminal radar approach area and enroute services for Bangkok Center. License Agreement | The first Air Force victories did not occur until July 10, when F-4Cs, flying from Ubon Air Base in Thailand, shot down two MiG-17s. I had just passed the AC-130s and turned off the taxiway at the RAMS hanger when I heard a boom, thinking I had a blowout I let off the gas but then felt the blast pressure through the back window of my MB-4 and knew immediately we were under attack and floored my tug and reported to Red Control we were under attack. Am SO excited to be receiving all these replies! Unit of Service: 357th Tactical Fighter Squadron; 497th Fighter Squadron; 8th Tactical Fighter Wing. It served in this role until inactivated on June 30, 1975. The 601st Combat Photo Flight, Det 3, Ubon "The Rat Pack" (Al Sterling's Website Currently In-Progress) The 601st Photo Flight publication "Rodent Review" 1968-69 Did take hop to Uban for a couple days when i was stationed in Danang, Vietnam. I was TDY with Blind Bat. Was there when they killed a of the migs, we had a three day drunk. May have a picture of the perimeter. Final approach cockpit view to runway 18 at U-Tapao Air Base in Thailand. This weapon system proved less effective than the AC-130, and operations with it were discontinued in June 1970. We were released several hours later and not given any further updates. Well the Royal Australian Air Force domestic area was on the Eastern perimeter of the airbase. Am in the process of filing claim; ball in VA court. My husband, Brent Richard Dawson, died on 08/18/1990 from non-Hodgkins lymphoma (very FIRST cancer acknowledged by VA as being linked to AO exposure). 1970 - (C-5A @ Ubon Thailand - Brought In Replacement AC-130A Wing) by Spectre Veteran 1970 - (AC-130A Spectre Gunship . Pingback: Trainieren Moers Bauchmuskeln - Bodybuilding-foren,