Web1. Click image to find out more. The two species were originally considered to be two different species once named as a separate genus Ingenia in 1981 by Rinchen Barsbold. Teeth were constantly replaced as they broke or wore down, which would have happened a lot to get enough vegetation to keep their huge bodies going, those teeth would have been busy. Dinosaur names with pictures: Troodon. Stegosaurus had a small head with small cheek teeth. The only thing that could possibly be more frightening than a Therizinosaurus is whether it would consider you a nuisance or lunch. Brontosaurus Vs. Blue Whale Whos bigger? No teeth means a meat-eating diet is not an option, so these animals were mainly herbivores. WebMany of the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era (about 252 million to 66 million years ago) were longer and more massive than modern elephants, hippopotamuses, and rhinoceroses. [6] 4 Troodon The Triceratops. WebHerbivores are also characterized by having relatively small heads, although this is not always the case. The remains, according to experts, show that the Caudipteryx lived in the Early Cretaceous period 125 to 122 million years ago. The Stegosaurus. Bob Strauss is a science writer and the author of several books, including "The Big Book of What, How and Why" and "A Field Guide to the Dinosaurs of North America.". Almost all amphibians, lizards and snakes are carnivores or insectivores. How can palaeontologists be so sure about what dinosaurs ate? However, T. rex was not the only giant carnivorous dinosaur to exist during the Mesozoic Era. This herbivore dinosaur is characterized by its toothless beak and small teeth; hence, it can be perceived that such were not fit consuming animal flesh. 15. Couple that with its estimated weight of 900 kilograms (2,000 lb), and you have a serious threat on your hands. The herbivore dinosaurs included ceratopsians and pachycephalosaurs, which used horns or headbutting respectively for defense against predators. With its forearms, however, its clear why it was originally thought to be a giant extinct sea turtle. This "five-horned face" really had only three horns, and the third horn (on the end of its snout) wasn't much to write home about. The specific name refers to Horner himself and there were more discoveries made of Achelousaurus in 1989 and 1994. 6m / 19.6 ft. It looked like a small birdlike lizard with large feathers full of color. Its name was derived from its most notable feature, which means tail feather. Experts believe that this desert dino used to eat termites and plants as its lower jaw is not interlocked with the skull which allows the Shuvuuia to open its mouth wide for larger prey. in fact, more ceratopsians have been discovered in North America over the past 20 years than any other type of dinosaur. Dilophosaurus is a species of dinosaur known to be basically a carrion eater. Protoceratops was that rare beast of the Mesozoic Era, a mid-sized ceratopsiannot tiny like its predecessors (such as the five-pound Aquilops), or four or five tons like its North American successors, but a pig-sized 400 or 500 pounds. Herbivore dinosaurs, the plant-eaters of the past, are record holders in many areas. WebPlant-eating dinosaurs dominated the landscape, far outnumbering their carnivorous counterparts. In hindsight, not many know too many omnivorous dinosaurs so through learning about these equally admirable and majestic dinos, your kids can become part of the future generations who would be able to share awareness about these prehistoric marvels. This dinosaur, whose name literally mean . Stygimoloch. Its as small as 0.6 This description relates to the dinosaur's "neural spines" jutting up from its tail, which would have helped propel this 25-pound ceratopsian through the water. With a maximum running speed of 21 kilometers per hour (13 mph), Allosaurus was able to easily outrun its prey on a regular basis. It weighed between two and three tons. It walked the Earth during the Late Cretaceous about 70 to 66 million years ago. Herbivores include the brachiosaurus, apatosaurus, brontosaurus, Argentinosaurus, and more, which had a tremendously long neck enabling them to reach leaves from trees and at the same time it was able to use their tail as a counterbalance. This particular dino has helped paleontologists confirm many connections between birds and dinosaurs beyond just common ancestry. Diplodocus (Diplodocus longus) 8. This dinosaur lived during the late Cretaceous period up to the late Mesozoic era. The fossil that the experts of the field found was of a Citipati, positioned over the middle of the nest, the parenting dino has its forearm spread out in an attempt to protect its eggs from the cold or the heat. What is truly astonishing, though, is that Pachycephalosaurus might not be the innocent herbivore we all originally envisioned. There have been several species to be named in the genus but there is only one type of specie that is viewed to be valid today: the Thecodontosaurus antiquus. As a small theropod, like many of its cousins and contrary to the stereotypical dinos most kids have in mind, the Beipiaosaurus is relatively smaller in size, growing up to only two meters in length. So, Pachycephalosaurus would have rammed you with a skull 30 times thicker than that of a human, but it would have also tried to consume you for dinner. Diplodocus is one of the best known herbivores, a huge sauropod who stood a whopping 26 metres long, with a long neck perfect for reaching leaves at the top of tall trees. WebLife was pretty rough for dinos. However, dont think of this creature as a friendly giant. However, according to the National History Museum, this dino is widely considered to be omnivorous. WebAnswer (1 of 3): The problem with determining dinosaur diet is that they did not have differentiated teeth. (2021, February 16). They have listed it as a herbivore or possibly a carnivore without ever being able to prove either. What is truly astonishing, though, is that Pachycephalosaurus might not be the innocent herbivore we all originally envisioned. [2], Ceratosaurus was a medium-sized theropod which lived during the Jurassic Period in what is now North America and Europe. From fancy headgear and armour, to herding and enormous size, their extreme appearances and innovative survival strategies are unrivalled in the animal kingdom. Another sign of a meat eater is found in their brains, whose impressions are left deep in the skull. WebMany of the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era (about 252 million to 66 million years ago) were longer and more massive than modern elephants, hippopotamuses, and rhinoceroses. Here are the possible solutions for "Herbivorous dinosaur" clue. The remaining 65% were herbivores! Smaller types of herbivores developed defensive mechanisms like horns, spikes, and armored plates. #6. Remains suggest that the Deinocheirus grew up to 10 meters in length and frequented certain areas in Mongolia. Its name, Massospondylus, translates to massive vertebrae. This 20-foot-long, three-ton herbivore lived a few million years before Triceratops, and it was closely related to three other ceratopsians, Styracosaurus, Coronosaurus, and Spinops. Aardonyx Achelousaurus Aegyptosaurus Agilisaurus Alamosaurus Albertaceratops Amargasaurus Ammosaurus Ampelosaurus Amygdalodon Anchiceratops Anchisaurus Ankylosaurus Antarctosaurus Apatosaurus Aragosaurus They have extensive necks, broad and sturdy hindlimbs, and four-toed feet. Its teeth sharpened as they fed and ate. In fact, this dino is recorded to be the largest North American ornithomimosaur. As far as we know, the Argentinosaurus was the largest animal that ever lived on Still, the debate rages on. BioExplorer.net. Compared to some of the truly horrifying theropods out there, Tyrannosaurus rex looks like a cute puppy dog. Herbivore dinosaurs were the largest animals ever to roam the Earth, and, in most cases, they werent very agile or fast either. It was incredibly bulky with large spikes and bulges all over its body. Cetiosaurus. There were also carnivore meat-eating dinosaurs, which made up about 35%. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings for a better experience. Discovered in Montana in 1983, stygimoloch was a pachycephalosaur, which means bone-headed lizard. This list includes the best-known types. The dilophosaurus was about 23 feet in length and weighed about 900 pounds. As a result, a hunting Troodon would not be a mindless beast but instead an intelligent, graceful hunter.[7]. 187 dinosaurs that ate plants. Another interesting omnivorous dino is the Heyuannia, whose name directly translates to from Heyuan, using the place of origin of many materials used to study it as a reference in its etymology. WebHerbivorous dinosaur. The creature had a thin, torpedolike appearance with sharp teeth and enormous eyes for its size. It grows to up to two and a half meters and was omnivorous in nature. Diet: Herbivorous. The dinosaur world was filled with herbivore plant-eating dinosaurs and was estimated to be about 65%. Here is a list of examples of herbivorous dinosaur names: Apatosaurus Ankylosaurus Brachiosaurus Brontosaurus Camarasaurus Cetiosaurus Dicraeosaurus Diplodocus Gigantspinosaurus Lusotitan Mamenchisaurus Spinophorosaurus Stegosaurus Pachycephalosaurus Patagotitan mayorum Parasaurolophus Protoceratops The group also includes some opportunistic predators, who when tired of running prefer to sink teeth into corpses. Well, as well as the shape of their skeletons, size of stomach cavities and the type of teeth, theres another way because what goes in, must come out. Their remains have been found in the Dinosaur Park Formation, dating from 76.5 to 75.5 million years ago. The skull has distinctly straight jaws that round out at the end around the tip of the snout. Ceratopsians, such as Pachyrhinosaurus, Styracosaurus, Centrosaurus, Monoclonius, Brachyceratops and Palorchestes azael was an unusual marsupial herbivore with retracted nasal This omnivore lived in the Late Cretaceous period about 75 to 81 million years ago around the regions of Mongolia. Excited yet? Armed with strong bones and long claws, the Deinoseirus is one of the most bizarre-looking dinosaurs around. WebHerbivorous dinosaur. Its name is derived from the location in which its fossils were unearthed, a mostly complete skull that was discovered with an undescribed partial skeleton in the Los Colorados Formation around Pagancillo, La Rioja Province, Argentina. In addition, some plant-eating dinosaurs, like the Ankylosaurus, were covered in plates of armor consisting of knobs and plates of bone covering their bodies to protect themselves from the attacks by predators. The eyes would have faced slightly forward, like in a bird of prey. Centrosaurus is represented by literally thousands of fossils, unearthed from massive "bonebeds" in Canada's Alberta province. "10 Most Famous Herbivore Dinosaurs" Bio Explorer, 01 March 2023. Kosmoceratops was equipped with such evolutionary bells and whistles as a downward-folding frill and no fewer than 15 horns and horn-like structures of various shapes and sizes. This dinosaur was easily recognizable by the large plates on its back and the spikes on its tail. The Micropachycephalosaurus was a bipedal herbivore dinosaur that had a very thick skull and small stature. This dino was also seen by experts as caring parents, having partially open nests and many indicators of nourishing parents. The oviraptor is a small theropod or small dinos that may be carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores that walked on two legs and have feathers. The non-avian dinosaurs had three major lineages, the first two of which: sauropodomorphs (mostly long-necked giants like Diplodocus) rex was a huge carnivore and primarily ate herbivorous dinosaurs, including Edmontosaurus and Triceratops. To mix some science with your kids dino fun, here are some omnivorous dinosaurs that you can talk about with your children so they can explore other prehistoric creatures outside the more famous names they already know.Related: Dinosaur Costumes for Kids. Its name directly translates into the Yunnan Lizard, a tribute to the place where most of the specimens used to study it were found. Towering at nearly three and a half meters, the Erlikosaurus is a small theropod that feeds on an omnivorous diet. The pelvic and vertebral remain that were found in China gives it its name as experts believe that the Nanshiungosaurus existed around the region. It grew to around 2 metres (6.5 ft.) in length, and would have stood waist-high to a man. 6m / 19.6 ft. WebYou might think the herbivores sound a bit less scary, but they were some of the hugest creatures that ever lived. One of the smallest small theropods in this list, the Shuvuuia is just over half a meter long, averaging about 60 centimeters in length. This dinosaur was an herbivore that fed on low-lying plant material. Its as small as 0.6 Here are the possible solutions for "Herbivorous dinosaur" clue. Here are some of the popular herbivorous dinosaurs. 6 of the most common herbivore dinosaurs include: The Brachiosaurus. According to the remain found of the Thecodontosaurus, the long-necked dino thrived in the prehistoric United Kingdom. 6 of the most common herbivore dinosaurs include: The Brachiosaurus. The stegosaurus was a herbivore that ate mostly plants. Hi, my name is Elena Jones, and my full-time job is a teacher. Their remains have been found in the Dinosaur Park Formation, dating from 76.5 to 75.5 million years ago. Standing at over five meters, the Nothronychus is a particularly interesting dinosaur as its relatives remains, the therizinosaurs, were mostly found almost exclusively in China and Mongolia. Its teeth were restricted to the dentary, and are cylindrical in shape. Run away from the attacking predator (notably Gallimimus and small dinosaurs such as Lesothosaurus) Hide from the The Prosauropod is an herbivorous dinosaur who lived during the Triassic age. In fact, its theorized that Troodon was the smartest dinosaur by far. With no teeth and a horny beak, the National History Museum website indicates that despite its exact diet is unknown, it may have lived off plants and small animals during its day. Instead, it may have been a carnivore. While it looked like its cousins, the ornithomimosaurs, the teeth of a Harpymimus are different. Most of the bones that researchers have used in their study were incomplete so determining the size of this dinosaur was a bit of a headscratcher for the experts. A new dinosaur found in southern Chile was a relative of T. rex and its carnivorous kind but, surprisingly, was a herbivore. Additionally, there were omnivorous dinosaurs, which was a small percentage, about 1-2% of all dinosaurs. However, dont let this fool you for a second. Belowyou'll find 10 ceratopsians that were every bit the equal of Triceratops, either in size, in ornamentation, or as subjects for research by paleontologists. There are certain features on the Caudipteryx that researchers found to be unique. It has three horns on its head, which they used to defend themselves against predators. Dinosaur names with pictures: Troodon. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. In general, they have flat teeth that were perfect for stripping and grinding plant materials and specialized stomach acids to digest cellulose. This dinosaur was an herbivore characterized by its narrow head and snout. Remains of a Citipati guarding its eggs has shown that many of todays feathered friends take after their ancestor when it comes to nourishing their young. One easy way to learn about them is to split them into two groups the meat eaters or Carnivores, and the plant eaters or Herbivores. It was last seen in The Daily Telegraph general knowledge crossword. The Gallimimus is the largest known ornithomimid or a family of dinosaurs that had a striking resemblance with the modern ostrich. With its sharp claws, teeth, and new legal status, Utahraptor is a dinosaur that could a contender for the title of king of the dinosaurs.. New research also suggests that through the description of the Shuvuuias ears that it was a nocturnal hunter that made use of its strong legs to outrun its prey and use its arms to dig up small prey such as insects and mammals off burrows and shrubs. This 20-foot-long, three-ton (1000kg) quadripedal herbivore lived a few million years before Triceratops, and it was closely While, in most cases, kids tend to gravitate towards the carnivores like the ever-famous tyrannosaurus rex and velociraptors or the herbivores like the semi-aquatic brachiosaurs and majestic brontosaurus that dwarf fellow dinos around them, very few recognize the omnivorous titans that walked the earth with the more prominent and 5. Cetiosaurus. It develops with the childrens imagination and is equally helpful in enhancing child development. Although Therizinosaurus had claws that would make Freddy Krueger jealous, they were mostly used for gathering vegetation. 5. The left portion of the skull, however, was more damaged and distorted, having more missing bones. It surprised experts to have found that these teeth were self-sharpening, a unique trait among early sauropodomorphs. - Spiral Toys, Pingback: Toys that Start with Letter A: 30 STEM Ideas for Show N' Tell - Spiral Toys, Pingback: The Cutest Dinosaur Costumes for Toddlers - Spiral Toys, Your email address will not be published. It is important to note that the success of these herbivorous Its name, Melanosaurus, means Black Mountain Lizard. First thought to be a Struthiomimus because of a cranial specimen from Canada, the Dromiceiomimus was given its own distinction due to anatomical differences from the former. Koreaceratops Nobu These dinosaurs could be called WebNext are the ornithomimosaurs, whose name means bird mimic lizards. These dinosaurs had a body plan similar to ostriches, including a toothless beak. However, the lack of clarity about its diet made it even scarier. Donald E Hurlbert/Smithsonian Institution. There are at least ten or eleven per side to complete the teeth of a Harpymimus. This dinosaur is currently thought to be not only the largest herbivore dinosaur but the largest dinosaur. Discovered in Montana in 1983, stygimoloch was a pachycephalosaur, which means bone-headed lizard. Its name is a reference to the Harpy, a bird-like creature in Greek mythology. WebAnswer (1 of 3): The problem with determining dinosaur diet is that they did not have differentiated teeth. However, in real life, Tyrannosaurus rex hardly lives up to its Hollywood reputation. WebHerbivorous dinosaurs. The word herbivore comes from the Latin word herba, which means plant. The name refers to their diet of plants rather than meat. Its remains were found in China and according to the studies conducted on the Beipiaosaurus, it has been suspected to have lived in the Early Cretaceous period or about 127 to 121 million years ago. Sinornithosaurus was a small, feathered dromaeosaur that was closely related to Velociraptor. The dates differ just a little in that it was discovered in 1948 in Mongolia. Edmontosaurus (Edmontosaurus regalis) 7. Which dinosaurs are not carnivores? Despite his size, Deltadromeus has unusually slim legs, giving him a raptor-like appearance and suggesting he was a swift runner. The Diplodocus. It's always that way with animals because there's a lot more vegetable matter in the world than there is meat, so most creatures feed on plants. Centrosaurus is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsian dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of Canada. They represented a diverse range of different species and sizes. He had powerful jaws and sharp teeth, perfect for ripping through his preys thick skins and swallowing huge chunks of flesh. Cousin to the Yunnanosaurus, yet smaller in comparison, is the Thecodontosaurus. *. The dimensions: they were heavy and corpulent, with weights that varied according to the species, from 0.5 tons to a staggering 123 tons. Though large, it had a slender build. As an omnivorous dinosaur, it fed on both plants, insects, and other small animals. The beaked Hadrosaurus had teeth and jaw that are specialized for grinding plant material like pine needles and cones. Dracorex (Dracorex hogwartsia) 3. Perhaps one third (or 500,000) of all described species are herbivores. This herbivore dinosaur might not really be related to the famous Pachycephalosaurus based on recent studies and be ceratopsian instead. Carnotaurus was a Late Cretaceousera theropod that lived in much of what is now South America. Not too many things are known about the Avimimus but it has been confirmed that these small, long-necked dinos also lived in the Late Cretaceous period or 80 to 75 million years ago. The dinosaur world was filled with herbivore plant-eating dinosaurs and was estimated to be about 65%. Sauropelta This ankylosaur's armor helped keep raptors at bay. Read more fascinating and frightening facts about dinosaurs on 10 Fascinating New Things We Learned About Dinosaurs In 2017 and 10 Reasons Real T-Rexes Were Scarier Than Anything In The Movies. Of course, some dinosaurs ate both! As mentioned above, Moschops had an herbivorous lifestyle as characterized by it peg-like teeth which are adapted for chewing plants. While the Gallimimus did not have teeth, it had a horny beak and a delicate lower jaw. They were only moderately sized, with the exception of Deinocherius, who was truly strange! A close cousin of the Coloradusaurus is the Massospondylus. Even smaller than the Beipiaosaurus is a fellow small theropod called the Caudipteryx, a bird-like dinosaur that lived after the Archaeopteryx. Judging by length, these are the ten biggest land-based carnivorous dinosaurs! Centrosaurus is the classic example of what paleontologists refer to as "centrosaurine" ceratopsians, that is, plant-eating dinosaurs possessing large nasal horns and relatively short frills. What sets Sinornithosaurus apart is the fact that scientists now believe that it is the first recorded dinosaur to have a venomous bite. The dates differ just a little in that it was discovered in 1948 in Mongolia. The predator acquired its food through Herbivores play an important role in the food chain, and therefore, with the impact that dinosaurs have had on the history of the world, naturally we cannot ignore the importance of herbivore dinosaurs. The second kind of feathers are much bigger in size; about 10 15 centimeters long and three millimeters in width. Like all of the large herbivorous dinosaurs, it also had a relatively tiny head and brain size. Against predators Yunnanosaurus, yet smaller in comparison, is that Pachycephalosaurus might not really be related to.! 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