We now have to add the filters for the jails that we have created. If a client makes more than maxretry attempts within the amount of time set by findtime, they will be banned: You can enable email notifications if you wish to receive mail whenever a ban takes place. However, by default, its not without its drawbacks: Fail2Ban uses iptables to manage its bans, inserting a --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable rule for each banned host. For example, my nextcloud instance loads /index.php/login. Here is the sample error log from nginx 2017/10/18 06:55:51 [warn] 34604#34604: *1 upstream server temporarily disabled while connecting to upstream, client: , server: mygreat.server.com, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "https://:443/", host: "mygreat.server.com" Https encrypted traffic too I would say, right? However, any publicly accessible password prompt is likely to attract brute force attempts from malicious users and bots. To this extent, I might see about creating another user with no permissions except for iptables. I also added a deny rule in nginx conf to deny the Chinese IP and a GeoIP restriction, but I still have these noproxy bans. When a proxy is internet facing, is the below the correct way to ban? To enable log monitoring for Nginx login attempts, we will enable the [nginx-http-auth] jail. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and It's completely fine to let people know that Cloudflare can, and probably will, collect some of your data if you use them. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Yes, its SSH. Solution: It's setting custom action to ban and unban and also use Iptables forward from forward to f2b-npm-docker, f2b-emby which is more configuring up docker network, my docker containers are all in forward chain network, you can change FOWARD to DOCKER-USER or INPUT according to your docker-containers network. The problem is that when i access my web services with an outside IP, for example like, my nginx proxy takes that request, wraps its own ip around it, for example, and then sends it to my webserver. How does the NLT translate in Romans 8:2? Update the local package index and install by typing: The fail2ban service is useful for protecting login entry points. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? I already used Cloudflare for DNS management only since my initial registrar had some random limitations of adding subdomains. My understanding is that this result means my firewall is not configured correctly, but I wanted to confirm from someone who actually knows what they are doing. This change will make the visitors IP address appear in the access and error logs. Weve updated the /etc/fail2ban/jail.local file with some additional jail specifications to match and ban a larger range of bad behavior. Im at a loss how anyone even considers, much less use Cloudflare tunnels. Lol. Similarly, Home Assistant requires trusted proxies (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/http/#trusted_proxies). Additionally I tried what you said about adding the filter=npm-docker to my file in jail.d, however I observed this actually did not detect the IP's, so I removed that line. Almost 4 years now. I would also like to vote for adding this when your bandwidth allows. My switch was from the jlesage fork to yours. I'm not all that technical so perhaps someone else can confirm whether this actually works for npm. Did you try this out with any of those? The value of the header will be set to the visitors IP address. This is less of an issue with web server logins though if you are able to maintain shell access, since you can always manually reverse the ban. To get started, we need to adjust the configuration file that fail2ban uses to determine what application logs to monitor and what actions to take when offending entries are found. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? However, we can create our own jails to add additional functionality. In the volume directive of the compose file, you mention the path as - "../nginx-proxy-manager/data/logs/:/log/npm/:ro". Otherwise, anyone that knows your WAN IP, can just directly communicate with your server and bypass Cloudflare. Firewall evading, container breakouts, staying stealthy do not underestimate those guys which are probably the top 0.1% of hackers. Click on 'Proxy Hosts' on the dashboard. According to https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/ecosystem/nginx/, it seems that you need to enable WebSocket support. Fail2ban does not update the iptables. Comment or remove this line, then restart apache, and mod_cloudflare should be gone. I've setup nginxproxymanager and would like to use fail2ban for security. I am having an issue with Fail2Ban and nginx-http-auth.conf filter. Using Fail2ban behind a proxy requires additional configuration to block the IP address of offenders. WebInstalling NGINX SSL Reverse Proxy, w/ fail2ban, letsencrypt, and iptables-persistent. i.e jail.d will have npm-docker.local,emby.local, filter.d will have npm-docker.conf,emby.conf and filter.d will have docker-action.conf,emby-action.conf respectively . I am after this (as per my /etc/fail2ban/jail.local): Luckily, its not that hard to change it to do something like that, with a little fiddling. All rights reserved. actionban = -I f2b- 1 -s -j real_ip_header CF-Connecting-IP; hope this can be useful. @BaukeZwart , Can you please let me know how to add the ban because I added the ban action but it's not banning the IP. This will let you block connections before they hit your self hosted services. Nothing helps, I am not sure why, and I dont see any errors that why is F2B unable to update the iptables rules. If youd like to learn more about fail2ban, check out the following links: Thanks for learning with the DigitalOcean Community. /var/log/apache/error_log) and bans IPs that show the malicious signs -- too many password failures, seeking for exploits, etc. 0. Is there a (manual) way to use Nginx-proxy-manager reverse proxies in combination with Authelia 2FA? How To Install nginx on CentOS 6 with yum, /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx-http-auth.conf, /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx-noscript.conf, /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx-noproxy.conf, Simple and reliable cloud website hosting, New! Web Server: Nginx (Fail2ban). Truce of the burning tree -- how realistic? Sure, thats still risky, allowing iptables access like this is always risky, but thats what needs to be done barring some much more complex setups. I've setup nginxproxymanager and would It is a few months out of date. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The error displayed in the browser is https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-postfix-as-a-send-only-smtp-server-on-ubuntu-14-04. If npm will have it - why not; but i am using crazymax/fail2ban for this; more complexing docker, more possible mistakes; configs, etc; how will be or f2b integrated - should decide jc21. hopping in to say that a 2fa solution (such the the one authelia brings) would be an amazing addition. Depending on how proxy is configured, Internet traffic may appear to the web server as originating from the proxys IP address, instead of the visitors IP address. I'm very new to fail2ban need advise from y'all. The supplied /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf file is the main provided resource for this. actionban = iptables -I DOCKER-USER -s -j DROP, actionunban = iptables -D DOCKER-USER -s -j DROP, Actually below the above to be correct after seeing https://docs.rackspace.com/support/how-to/block-an-ip-address-on-a-Linux-server/. If you are using volumes and backing them up nightly you can easily move your npm container or rebuild it if necessary. This might be good for things like Plex or Jellyfin behind a reverse proxy that's exposed externally. People really need to learn to do stuff without cloudflare. Maybe drop into the Fail2ban container and validate that the logs are present at /var/log/npm. Install_Nginx. :). For some reason filter is not picking up failed attempts: Many thanks for this great article! The one thing I didnt really explain is the actionflush line, which is defines in iptables-common.conf. However, there are two other pre-made actions that can be used if you have mail set up. Setting up fail2ban is also a bit more advanced then firing up the nginx-proxy-manager container and using a UI to easily configure subdomains. Fail2ban is a daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors.. Install/Setup. Any guidance welcome. I agree than Nginx Proxy Manager is one of the potential users of fail2ban. I am definitely on your side when learning new things not automatically including Cloudflare. Same for me, would be really great if it could added. Forward port: LAN port number of your app/service. But with nginx-proxy-manager the primary attack vector in to someones network iswellnginx-proxy-manager! I have configured the fail2ban service - which is located at the webserver - to read the right entrys of my log to get the outsiders IP and blocks it. Multiple applications/containers may need to have fail2ban, but only one instance can run on a system since it is playing with iptables rules. @mastan30 I'm using cloudflare for all my exposed services and block IP in cloudflare using the API. I confirmed the fail2ban in docker is working by repeatedly logging in with bad ssh password and that got banned correctly and I was unable to ssh from that host for configured period. Any advice? Or save yourself the headache and use cloudflare to block ips there. Create a folder fail2ban and create the docker-compose.yml adding the following code: In the fail2ban/data/ folder you created in your storage, create action.d, jail.d, filter.d folders and copy the files in the corresponding folder of git into them. Google "fail2ban jail nginx" and you should find what you are wanting. 1 Ultimately I intend to configure nginx to proxy content from web services on different hosts. It only takes a minute to sign up. filter=npm-docker must be specified otherwise the filter is not applied, in my tests my ip is always found and then banned even for no reason. Just need to understand if fallback file are useful. privacy statement. WebTo y'all looking to use fail2ban with your nginx-proxy-manager in docker here's a tip: In your jail.local file under where the section (jail) for nginx-http-auth is you need to add this line so So, is there a way to setup and detect failed login attemps of my webservices from my proxy server and if so, do youve got a hint? The sendername directive can be used to modify the Sender field in the notification emails: In fail2ban parlance, an action is the procedure followed when a client fails authentication too many times. @kmanwar89 To remove mod_cloudflare, you should comment out the Apache config line that loads mod_cloudflare. Setting up fail2ban can help alleviate this problem. Secure Your Self Hosting with Fail2Ban + Nginx Proxy Manager + CloudFlare 16,187 views Jan 20, 2022 Today's video is sponsored by Linode! In my case, my folder is just called "npm" and is within the ~/services directory on my server, so I modified it to be (relative to the f2b compose file) ../npm/data/logs. How would fail2ban work on a reverse proxy server? in fail2ban's docker-compose.yml mount npm log directory as read only like so: then create data/filter.d/npm-docker.conf with contents: then create data/jail.d/npm-docker.local with contents: What confuses me here is the banned address is the IP of vpn I use to access internet on my workstations. This took several tries, mostly just restarting Fail2Ban, checking the logs to see what error it gave this time, correct it, manually clear any rules on the proxy host, and try again. In production I need to have security, back ups, and disaster recovery. Big thing if you implement f2b, make sure it will pay attention to the forwarded-for IP. When i used this command: sudo iptables -S some Ips also showed in the end, what does that means? We dont need all that. The above filter and jail are working for me, I managed to block myself. They will improve their service based on your free data and may also sell some insights like meta data and stuff as usual. It's the configuration of it that would be hard for the average joe. Same thing for an FTP server or any other kind of servers running on the same machine. @dariusateik the other side of docker containers is to make deployment easy. in this file fail2ban/data/jail.d/npm-docker.local Its one of the standard tools, there is tons of info out there. Check out our offerings for compute, storage, networking, and managed databases. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Asked 4 months ago. I just cobbled the fail2ban "integration" together from various tutorials, with zero understanding of iptables or docker networking etc. The stream option in NPM literally says "use this for FTP, SSH etc." The only place (that I know of) that its used is in the actionstop line, to clear a chain before its deleted. is there a chinese version of ex. actioncheck = -n -L DOCKER-USER | grep -q 'f2b-[ \t]' @jc21 I guess I should have specified that I was referring to the docker container linked in the first post (unRAID). Hello @mastan30, Press J to jump to the feed. On one hand, this project's goals was for the average joe to be able to easily use HTTPS for their incoming websites; not become a network security specialist. I just wrote up my fix on this stackoverflow answer, and itd be great if you could update that section section of your article to help people that are still finding it useful (like I did) all these years later. These will be found under the [DEFAULT] section within the file. I am using the current LTS Ubuntu distribution 16.04 running in the cloud on a DigitalOcean Droplet. Your blog post seems exactly what I'm looking for, but I'm not sure what to do about this little piece: If you are using Cloudflare proxy, ensure that your setup only accepts requests coming from the Cloudflare CDN network by whitelisting Cloudflare's IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on your server for TCP/80 (HTTP) and TCP/443 (HTTPS). Adding the fallback files seems useful to me. Looking at the logs, it makes sense, because my public IP is now what NPM is using to make the decision, and that's not a Cloudflare IP. This is important - reloading ensures that changes made to the deny.conf file are recognized. You can add this to the defaults, frontend, listen and backend sections of the HAProxy config. fail2ban :: wiki :: Best practice # Reduce parasitic log-traffic, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. @lordraiden Thanks for the heads up, makes sense why so many issues being logged in the last 2 weeks! Then I added a new Proxy Host to Nginx Proxy Manager with the following configuration: Details: Domain Name: (something) Scheme: http IP: Port: 8080 Cache Assets: disabled Block Common Exploits: enabled Websockets Support: enabled Access List: Publicly Accessible SSL: Force SSL: enabled HSTS Enabled: enabled HTTP/2 So this means we can decide, based on where a packet came from, and where its going to, what action to take, if any. Setting up fail2ban is also a bit more advanced then firing up the nginx-proxy-manager container and using a UI to easily configure subdomains. Still, nice presentation and good explanations about the whole ordeal. You'll also need to look up how to block http/https connections based on a set of ip addresses. So I added the fallback_.log and the fallback-.log to my jali.d/npm-docker.local. We can use this file as-is, but we will copy it to a new name for clarity. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and Personally I don't understand the fascination with f2b. Yep. Easiest way to remove 3/16" drive rivets from a lower screen door hinge? Sure, its using SSH keys, but its using the keys of another host, meaning if you compromise root on one system then you get immediate root access over SSH to the other. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. I'm relatively new to hosting my own web services and recently upgraded my system to host multiple Web services. In NPM Edit Proxy Host added the following for real IP behind Cloudflare in Custom Nginx Configuration: After this fix was implemented, the DoS stayed away for ever. Now i've configured fail2ban on my webserver which is behind the proxy correctly (it can detect the right IP adress and bans it) but I can still access the web service with my banned IP. 2023 DigitalOcean, LLC. The steps outlined here make many assumptions about both your operating environment and your understanding of the Linux OS and services running on Linux. I guess fail2ban will never be implemented :(. The suggestion to use sendername doesnt work anymore, if you use mta = mail, or perhaps it never did. The condition is further split into the source, and the destination. In my opinion, no one can protect against nation state actors or big companies that may allied with those agencies. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. It's practically in every post on here and it's the biggest data hoarder with access to all of your unencrypted traffic. Fill in the needed info for your reverse proxy entry. Docker installs two custom chains named DOCKER-USER and DOCKER. Hi, sorry me if I dont understand:( I've tried to add the config file outside the container, fail2ban is running but seems to not catch the bad ip, i've tried your rules with fail2ban-regex too but I noted: SUMMARY: it works, using the suggested config outside the container, on the host. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? These configurations allow Fail2ban to perform bans @BaukeZwart Can we get free domain using cloudfare, I got a domain from duckdns and added it nginx reverse proxy but fail2ban is not banning the ip's, can I use cloudfare with free domain and nginx proxy, do you have any config for docker please? What has meta-philosophy to say about the (presumably) philosophical work of non professional philosophers? Use the "Global API Key" available from https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens. Isn't that just directing traffic to the appropriate service, which then handles any authentication and rejection? However, I still receive a few brute-force attempts regularly although Cloudflare is active. This will allow Nginx to block IPs that Fail2ban identifies from the Nginx error log file. Im a newbie. Just for a little background if youre not aware, iptables is a utility for running packet filtering and NAT on Linux. if you name your file instead of npm-docker.local to haha-hehe-hihi.local, you need to put filter=haha-hehe-hihi instead of filter=npm-docker etc. Or save yourself the headache and use cloudflare to block ips there. Feel free to adjust the script suffixes to remove language files that your server uses legitimately or to add additional suffixes: Next, create a filter for the [nginx-nohome] jail: Place the following filter information in the file: Finally, we can create the filter for the [nginx-noproxy] jail: This filter definition will match attempts to use your server as a proxy: To implement your configuration changes, youll need to restart the fail2ban service. @dariusateik the other side of docker containers is to make deployment easy. However, having a separate instance of fail2ban (either running on the host or on a different container) allows you to monitor all of your containers/servers. For reference this is my current config that bans ip on 3 different nginx-proxy-manager installations, I have joined the npm and fail2ban containers into 1 compose now: Apologies if this is offtopic, but if anyone doubts usefulness of adding f2b to npm or whether the method I used is working I'd like to share some statistics from my cloud server with exposed ssh and http(s) ports. Always a personal decision and you can change your opinion any time. Open the file for editing: Below the failregex specification, add an additional pattern. What's the best 2FA / fail2ban with a reverse proxy : r/unRAID It works for me also. Furthermore, all probings from random Internet bots also went down a lot. However, by default, its not without its drawbacks: Fail2Ban uses iptables Not exposing anything and only using VPN. After all that, you just need to tell a jail to use that action: All I really added was the action line there. You can see all of your enabled jails by using the fail2ban-client command: You should see a list of all of the jails you enabled: You can look at iptables to see that fail2ban has modified your firewall rules to create a framework for banning clients. My dumbness, I am currently using NPM with a MACVLAN, therefore the fail2ban container can read the mounted logs and create ip tables on the host, but the traffice from and to NPM is not going to the iptables of the host because of the MACVLAN and so banning does not work. @dariusateik i do not agree on that since the letsencrypt docker container also comes with fail2ban, 'all reverse proxy traffic' will go through this container and is therefore a good place to handle fail2ban. On the other hand, f2b is easy to add to the docker container. If that chain didnt do anything, then it comes back here and starts at the next rule. -X f2b- After you have surpassed the limit, you should be banned and unable to access the site. How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? At what point of what we watch as the MCU movies the branching started? Now that NginX Proxy Manager is up and running, let's setup a site. Generally this is set globally, for all jails, though individual jails can change the action or parameters themselves. Scheme: http or https protocol that you want your app to respond. Please read the Application Setup section of the container documentation.. Each jail within the configuration file is marked by a header containing the jail name in square brackets (every section but the [DEFAULT] section indicates a specific jails configuration). But there's no need for anyone to be up on a high horse about it. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. How would I easily check if my server is setup to only allow cloudflare ips? I understand that there are malicious people out there and there are users who want to protect themselves, but is f2b the only way for them to do this? I added an access list in NPM that uses the Cloudflare IPs, but when I added this bit from the next little warning: real_ip_header CF-Connecting-IP;, I got 403 on all requests. Finally, it will force a reload of the Nginx configuration. thanks. Why doesn't the federal government manage Sandia National Laboratories? But still learning, don't get me wrong. 100 % agree - > On the other hand, f2b is easy to add to the docker container. But at the end of the day, its working. On the other side of docker containers is to make deployment easy is n't that directing... Chains named DOCKER-USER and docker the branching started, not the answer you 're looking for is one the. Are present at /var/log/npm as-is, but we will copy it to a new name for clarity it did... 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