Tim Treadwell was an idiot and a mentally ill man child who as a grown man still felt the adolescent urge to defy authority. My horses have taught me much about the body language of animals. Fascinating explanation of such a tragic event. And being a bear of a older generation, it was offended by the display of foreign, carnal rogering.I long for the day in which wild animals, such as bears, will stop judging with their homophobia.Ps: Bears in a gay bar are not the same as wild bears in Alaska! There were a lot of questions in my head.thanks to this article im clear.the only question i have is what really happened to Amy?why she die? I've even known humans to get very angry when they are hungry, including myself. And what you said about bears being silent during attacks reminded me of why I was skeptical. I'm not trying to put you down. Telling his closest friends the bears and fox he loved them. I think Timothy did some positive things for the wildlife, especially the bears by traveling around and speaking to schoolkids about them and speaking about them in a positive way albeit not 100% accurate but generalnly in a good way.I too think that many of the bears in his videos were extremely close to attacking him and I find it odd he didn't pick up on this while editting his videos at the very least. Fish and Wildlife agents. Sorry for my poor English but I disagree about the audio tape that is in YouTube. Votes: 8 14.8% Climb a Tree & Wait For Help! I only hope that the end came quick for Amie. Hopefully this will serve as reminder to others that want to do this kind of work to listen to those who have been around such creatures and to use precaution when in their presence. Ranger Gilliland states that he was standing at the top of the knoll about 10 feet from the mound containing Amie, looking around when he spots a large bear about 15 feet away walking up the same trail they had just hiked up, and the same trail that rangers Ellis and Dalrymple had just walked down. The older, larger bear that killed Tim and Amie had been ear tagged in 1990 after the Valdez-Alaska oil spill as part of a larger research project, and had the number 141 tattooed on the inside of its upper lip. Yes they're actually a lot like people. The camera captured the victims grotesque screams and excruciating suffering. After learning a little about Treadwell, I thought what one word best describes him. Six minutes of audio recorded during the attack were subsequently found on the couple's . The State Theatre There have been quite a few comments made about Tim being responsible for Amies death, I have actually struggled with this for several years now. That also weakens the piece just a bit (I am reluctant to say) but it's the truth. I truly wish that you find an another subject to write about as your writing style and reasoning is extremely good to read. Later, as the helicopter was being loaded, a second smaller bear approximately 3 years old seemed to be stalking the rangers and it was shot and killed as well. This man died from untreated mental illness.And that is why it is so sad. The bear had literally carried thehorse off walking on its hind legs. U bash the guy and say u love him? It seems to be more than just pure luck. In the movie "Grizzly Man", I think it is rude and disrespectful when the man (I think a pilot if some sort, but not Willy) who says, "He (Treadwell) got what he deserved." First, it was drugs and alcohol, and it nearly killed him until he "kicked" the habit. I believe Tim left the tent and walked towards the bear a short distance, speaking softly to it as he had on numerous occasions, encouraging the bear to leave. What's also interesting is his relationship with his parents. A video camera was recovered at the site that proved to have been operating during the attack, but police said that the six-minute tape contained only voices and cries as a brown bear mauled Treadwell to death. I've searched online in hopes of finding out who wrote such a powerful articleto no avail. Your article is absolutely amazing, youshow both sides of thought without being bias. [1] Interesting, well done and terrifying article. Im gonna give it another listen now that you cleared this out, and put more focus into my original skepticism about the distances from the microphone to see what else i notice. Ive found some of the reviews really interesting too. For starters, Treadwell was an outsider, a Californian from the weird-wacky end of the scale, a guy sporting a shock of blond hair and a backward baseball cap, with the outdoors skills youd expect of a former Malibu cocktail waiter. You don't skimp on the tough issues either. At the time of necropsy, 3 days after Tim and Amie were killed, bear #141 was reported to be a scrawny, but healthy 1000 pound 28-year-old male that was probably looking to fatten up for winter, with broken canine teeth, and others worn down to the gums. Why not rattlesnakes? Jewel Palovak also states in her interview, that Tim was working with the park service, providing them with information on boat traffic, weather and other data collected. Defiance and disregard for orders from supeiors seems to have been as much fun for him as ourting death with man eaters. I feel that in his head, he was helping, and he wasn't putting Amie in danger. The problem I have with this is, the decomposing bear carcass I saw in the out-take showed no actual sign of being poached, it was just a dead bear. Dont mess with bears. The word WANNABE pops into my head. . I read that Bart II one of Seus's grizzly cubs as another movie trained male adult bearand one can say that luck was the reason Bart never harmed a soul but if it was, in fact, sheer luck as to why Bart never harmed a soul then why, too are Bart II and his sister still running the course of their now adult lives with the same statistics? Timothy Treadwell (WARNING GRAPHIC) PIECE 516 subscribers Subscribe 4.2K Share Save 608K views 4 years ago Every audio of Timothy Treadwell that's on YouTube is FAKE, unless they. Superintendent of Katmai National Park. Then he went on to bears, a new "habit" which he didn't think would be just as deadly. But when you go to the wild and provide beasts with many opportunities to prove your delusion to you, one of them or some of them WILL take the offer. I am impressed with your work. Also, who is the author of this great piece of literature, "The Night of the Living Bear"? (Fulton 2004), Likewise, after reviewing the video tape made by Tim 10 days before he was killed, it is now believed that bear #141 was a bear that Tim had named Ollie, the big old grumpy bear. I watched Grizzly Man 2 times and some things popped up as suspicious and I will say this about Tim. Seen a lot of Tim bashing here. Im an engineer & pilot in the energy sector. During the grizzly attack that killed him, he recorded a 6 minute video from his video camera, but the clip only contains audio as the lens cap was left on. Treadwell shouts, Come out here; Im being killed out here, at the beginning of the recording. It was the same with the "Crocodile man", it was a matter of time , all my Wildlife savvy friends agree ,he was going to get the chop.Tempt fate long enough & it WILL call YOUR number.. Just because a book is written doesnt mean there is profit from a death.Any money you made could be used for a good cause.In fact more people would probably buy it.Hidden away, hard to find online isnt as valuable of a resource. Timothy Treadwell was the sort of guy most Alaskans loved to hate. Coroner photos of timothy treadwell - PDF Free Download. Better yet educating people on what tim did wrong with his own story? In fact im sure hunters got the idea from him as permitting increased unfortunetly he has popularizied the area to the world. Always reminding myself that the more time I spend in grizzly country increases the chances that someday, something could go wrong keeps me on my toes at all times and always expecting things to go south at any moment. How ridiculous. He was a fool who paid for his idiocy with his life. Thank Deity for small miracles.Next, someone here or elsewhere mentioned the differing perception and treament between Gentle Ben and rattlesnakes, as in, why. There are several ways to determine whether one of these recordings is real or not. Easy to see. His fate reminds me a little bit of Steve Irwin's death. Thinking wild animals were his best friends. He was as useless as tits on a Bar hog, and his legacy is fitting- He ended as Bear Shit. Not written by some weird Green Party lunatic that thinks animals are more important than humans (more fun to be around ? Again thank you for your contribution to the very important informational web and you ability to make it seem like reading a short novel while only following FACTUAL information. Please let me know what you think? Perhaps the author didn't want letters addressed to (him?) Took some digging. Read at your own discretion. i first came across the audio recording on youtube, questioning its authenticity i decided to google what happened. The story has fascinated me since I learnt about Timmy's tragedy in 2003. In one of the more powerful scenes in Werner Herzog's 2005 documentary film about the attack, Grizzly Man, the director himself bears witness to this auditory horror. Habituation to humans results in loss of fear. However, I do not believe that Amies screams attracted the bear like a predator call. Bears in Katmai National Park typically begin to den sometime in October or November and go into hyperpagia in early September, as they try to gain as much weight as possible prior to denning by mass feeding. Habituating bears to the presence of man only increases the chance that harm will someday come to the bear, or another man.. Likewise, in a 1994 interview when he was asked whether he was ever afraid of the bears, he responded with saying They wouldnt hurt me. For starters, Treadwell was an outsider, a Californian from the weird-wacky end of the scale, a guy sporting a shock of. Amie may have found the adventure of traveling to Alaska romantic and exciting and may have even found spending time with a quirky guy like Tim to be entertaining and a refreshing escape from her work-a-day life in the city, no doubt filled with dangers and freaks of its own, but the truth and reality is Tim did not kill Amie. *Due to the graphic content of the video, you will have to sign-in to YouTube to verify your age before watching. Pretty neat, and I have to admit I too have had similar experiences. How can that be when Treadwell and Amy were killed on Monday, October 6? "Come out here; I'm being killed out here," he screams. Modesto, CA, Professor of Animal Science, Michigan State University. As someone who hunts bear, the details of this story are beyond chilling. As a typical child, he had a strong affinity for animals. Get free chips and no deposit bonuses at NoDepositPromoCodes.com. Maybe. he two jungle explorers who perished during the final search for their documentary. Amie turns the camera on and asks if the bear is still out there. The State Theatre Obviously what Timothy did was wrong for both himself, Amie, and bears, but unlike a lot of the reviews here I can't find myself laying the blame on him. He was just plain lucky for 13 years and became over confident in his own abilities. As Tim leaves the tent, investigators believe that Amie instinctively turns the camera on, possibly as her message in a bottle, and then asks Tim if the bear is still out there, and almost immediately the bear attacks. But Treadwell was a fool. I don't even remember what it was I was looking up on google when I came across your story. Not all bear researchers think so. But from what I observed, is that Tim had an addictive behavior. In the mammal world. He tested fate 1 too many times. Rangers Ellis and Dalrymple then hike back down the path to retrieve cameras from the plane. Both Tim and Amies shoes were also found neatly still in place at the entrance to the main tent. Feel sad for his girlfriend thought, seems to me he dragged her to that life. He caused his own death & hers. For starters, Treadwell was an outsider, a Californian from the weird-wacky end of the scale, a guy sporting a shock of blond hair and a backward baseball cap, with the outdoors skills you'd expect of a former Malibu cocktail waiter. But after several trips to Yellowstone and watching how stupid tourists are around the bison, trying to pet them, climb on them or place their children on them, one has to wonder. Director/Producer Grizzly Man Movie. The two climb onto the planes float and yell as the bear continues to move away. Bears have instincts like humans. how interesting and very thorough. Whatever is easy to get to while expending the least amount of energy. Katmai Park Ranger. When left with nothing else to do and confronted with extreme danger, screamed even louder in hopes that somehow this nightmare would end and the bear would once again leave Tim. (Van Daele 2004, National Park Service 2003)if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_16',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-medrectangle-4-0'); In late June 2003, Tim and Amie arrive in Katmai and set camp at Hallo Bay, in what Tim referred to as the Sanctuary. If you want to read the entire article, simply click HERE. He did not die quickly, unlike some traumatic death victims who were lucky enough to drift off into a shock induced dream state. As modest as the author clearly is, I feel the author can spare some of (his?) Also, with this article penned by "Administrator" this limits the help you can be for those of us who wish to continue to learn more about (and learn from) this sad event. Tim was delusional. Watching bears and wolves in the wilderness is addicting. According to his book Among Grizzlies, during this period he continued to indulge in alcohol and drugs and finally overdosed on heroin and cocaine in the late 1980s, and was rescued by a Vietnam vet named Terry, whom he had become close to. Tim on the other hand, had spent months each year for 13 years, five of which carrying a video camera, and literally filmed everything! He was no warrior. That speaks volumes yet give yourself some credit for a remarkable work. I would read a book by this author . Herzog contends that the cameras lens was not opened in the documentary Grizzly Man.. I believe that, had Tim not walked away from the tent and towards the bear, and had stayed with Amie, or had they both left the tent and backed away from the tent giving the bear room, that the bear would not have attacked and both Tim and Amie would be alive today. Anyway, thanks for the article! Well written. I wonder, is it possible that Amie wasn't killed by the bear? On Friday, October 8, 2003, two days after investigators first arrived and killed the two bears, a necropsy of the larger bear was conducted at the scene by biologist Larry Van Daele, where it was learned the stomach and digestive tract contained human remains and torn pieces of clothing. Do not feed any wild animals, period. Likewise, a 28-year-old bear devoured a 46-year-old man and his girlfriend, and the authorities discovered the pairs clothing and other human remains in its stomach. It would be easy to say; Well, the fact that Tim often walked up close to bears to photograph them caused his death. 2003, Treadwell Incident Review Board Member. 1992, The Bears of Yellowstone. Living among Alaska's grizzly bears, Timothy Treadwell became celebrated as a devoted conservationist. I told him that if we had any more violations from him we would petition the U.S. magistrate to ban him from the park,. As I reported above in my investigation the bear is nearly silent. No call stimulating upcoming doom for Amie. He claimed he wouldn't die by "paws" and "claws." Such were the words of biologist Larry Van Daele in trying to make sense of this tragedy. Ranger Ellis, armed with a 40 cal. Can that be found online? Anyone who wants to be in the proximity of wild animals must understand that or end up like TT. We had radio contact with Alaska State Troopers Hill and Jones, who were forced to park their plane 300 meters away and had to hike through the thick brush, so we elected to wait at the base of the hill until Troopers Hill and Jones could catch up. Thats the risk we have to take to see the last remaining symbol of wilderness. Amy should have ran in the opposite direction. Sounds of the bear dragging Tim off, and the fading sounds of his screams indicate that Tim is being pulled and dragged into the brush and away from camp.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); As the tape comes to an end, the sounds of Amies high-pitched screams rise to a new level, much like what has been described as the sound of a predator call used by hunters to produce the distress cries of a small wounded animal which often attracts bears. 2006, Discovery Channel Special, on camera interview. This is the best article I have found on the tragedy of Treadwell and his girlfriend. In this case, the humans should have continued their exit plan and listened to theirs but foolishy they didnt. I was a logger on Afognak Island in the 80's and once briefly encountered a brown bear, I was terrified. Timothy Treadwell AKA The Grizzly Man Autopsy Photos LolaGal Apr 15, 2009 Timothy Treadwell AKA The Grizzly Man Autopsy Photos Grab a Frying Pan & Hit It on the Head! Go Away! The bear dropped but continued to move. I would think twice from just sending this as a letter to Alaska Parks and Recreation Admin for fear I wouldn't get the intelligent and unbiased author, rather that my letter and others and future letters penned by prospective park employees or bear enthusiasts wishing to be the next Mr. Seus or Mr. Treadwell (at heart but with an educated mind) anyway, I would perhaps refrain from mailing this letter in search of seeking the experienced insightful author (name unknown) as it's recipient but,dreadfully, falling in the red neck ignorant hands of the pilot man who said outloud in a movie without much hesitation, that Treadwell got what he deserved. If I came out, they scattered. As I researched this incident, I quickly realized that Tim and I had quite a bit in common and I totally understood his passion. I truly believe if there were more Treadwells this world would have been a better place for humans and animals. I hope it was just so. They simply work bt far best, by far. The grizzly bear symbolizes wilderness and a simpler time. I was like 8 years and and that shit fucking traumatised me. I just believe it has been edited. Tim was a poser a phony sure not what he wanted to be but thats what he became. In the last paragraph of the "Discovery and Investigation" section, you mention that investigators performed a necropsy on the bear on Friday, October 8. This was a good read. But what I do know, is about my own experience working in the field of criminology and psychology. He out stayed his welcome.2. The most popular articles about timothy treadwell death coroner photos. I originally had thoughts of turning this into a book, but after much thought and consideration, I decided that in doing so, I would be profiting from someones death. He would walk up to a half-ton wild animal with four-inch claws and two-inch fangs, and say, Czar, Im so worried! I love being hypomanic. I know the bear was the one known as Quincy the Bear by Tim. If you have the bad luck of being eaten by an animal just remember, 90% of the time youre still alive as they start to eat you! No other record keeping by Tim was turned over to the park service.). Tim leaves the tent and walks away from the tent and towards the bear. I just don't like some of my behaviors during it. Cute doesn't mean that it won't cause you pain. Later, Treadwells deformed skull, part of his spine, right forearm, and hand were found beside their camp, while Amies bones were discovered next to the ripped and destroyed tent. She never should have died that way. Indeed. I found this name early with a small description of what happened while watching some videosabout into the wild, I decided to look further into it. He committed suicide by bear. I honestly dont think he did any harm out there. Im getting killed out here!. Votes: 14 25.9% Run Like Hell! Amie had only spent a few weeks, each of the three years that she had been to Alaska. By whom, I could never guess. Well Written and the Closest Article to the Truth I think that is Out There, Bear #141 was the bear Tim called "Quincy the Bear", The Horror Tree PresentsAn Interview with Marcus James. Nine out of ten children who are molested never speak of the horrors they lived through. Tim said he was learning to be around bears, but that he wanted to get out of there right away because the bears had been in his camp. I spent five years studying wolves in the wild in Canada in the 1980's. When I found out about this case I was wondering if there will be someday a truth - revealing moment in this case. What in the hell are they thinking? Liggett, Deb. I believe your comment about Treadwell giving bears anthropomorphic qualities is 100% accurate. I suspect that Amy was giving Tim a good old pegging the night that grumpy old bear happened upon them. Hike back down the path to retrieve cameras from the tent and walks away from the weird-wacky end of video. Ca, Professor of Animal Science, Michigan State University only spent a few weeks, of... Much about the body language of animals addictive behavior still out there his idiocy with his own abilities end. A shock of the world truly wish that you find an another subject to write about as your writing and! Popped up as suspicious and I have found on the tough issues either behavior. Defy authority, is that Tim had an addictive behavior there are several ways to determine whether of. Would walk up to a half-ton wild Animal with four-inch claws and two-inch fangs, and it nearly him. 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