Judging someone for their actions in their past have no bearing on the type of person they or now. I am confident that you two will overcome this and have a much better relationship now that counseling is in the picture. The idea that a large percentage of dudes do want to settle down or have only LTR's shouldn't be news to anyone. One small example would be crying Acceptable for women over many small things, not acceptable for men..I doubt many women would be attracted to guys who cried almost daily over any small thing. So what if she runs across someone she slept with in the past? So try again to express your desire to know the truth no matter how tough of a pill it is to swallow. At times, those emotions cause us to make poor decisions. It is reasonable and advisable to judge someone based on their personal character. We need to take a better approach and that is all I am truly trying to convey. His Grace is so much greater than all of our sin! And there is no one besides Him. A woman can own her body without giving it to every Tom, Dick, and Harry who comes along. As you stated, as long as she is disease free, there should be no issue. I know plently of them. If you can't, she'd be right to drop you. Id much rather be with a woman who has been with 10 people, 7 in the course of relationships vs. the girl who has only been with 8 people, but 5 of those were in a single night when she was gangbanged. "Promiscuous" is a term that is almost always used when speaking about a woman; it is most often pejorative. This is why we all- male and female or female and male are in desperate need of Jesus and His awesome Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness. Piggy-backing on your statements, the world would be a pretty boring, lame place if the only differences between men and women were sexual organs. someone who is empathetic to your feelings and how their past affects you. If so, thats not love. Tell her your own. I am referencing a paper directly concerned with the subject, Premarital Sex, Premarital Cohabitation, and the Risk of Subsequent Marital Dissolution Among Women., If perhaps you had read my posts below from last year, where I referenced this study, you wouldnt have made the invalid assumption that I believe something is true because I say it is.. We are called to Love, but how can we do that if we allow ourselves to judge and demonize others for their past decisions. Where is this done? Usually some sort of collection of all of the good qualities between all of their partners with none of the bad. Sheila, when you have a chance, give a listen to Christopher Hitchens, or Sam Harris on YouTube. If you are not compatible in how you view the world and along with many other views you may not be good together. There is nothing any of us can do to change the past, but we can choose to make our present and future so much better. Like that song of the 70s that said, so many men so little time how can i choose. Im always a lady first and what I do behind close doors doesnt define who I am as a person. Exploring a little bit and being willing to learn can make you a better lover. ok I understand where you are coming from especially with having to constantly worry about bumping into her sex partners. Probably not while having sex with her either. I really really really don't want it to leak out in the slightest and thus far have done a good job to not responding for the most part to the passing remarks we've had about her past. business trips while Jerry came over and played house with mommy, a You are not. A popular theory in psychology from Freud suggests that men want to marry a woman similar or better than their own mothers, same goes for women and their fathers. Here are a few other things many married women do but . ive slept with 14 guys and im still tight and ocasionally asked if im a virgin. So it isnt the actual number that really matters, it is what her behaviors displays due to her experiences or for whatever reason. You could now be infected with some genetic disease that doesnt even run in your family. I falled in love with a woman that had sex with around 700 partners before me. Though I hate emotional baggage. experience with this subject: I have been single for about a year twice in my But Ultimately, We are so busy judging each other we have forgotten the true meaning of what love even is. Its so they wont feel so bad about what they consider negatives about themselves or to justify them staying with someone who is totally wrong for them. I agree 100%. and she does not like sex and has never had an orgasm. Furthermore, I think that guys that dont care about their partners This shouldnt matter, but you checking cell phones?? Yeah I had to read the article again lol the first time I read it, I guess it came of as promoting promiscuity. Redirect your thoughts gently when they get off track, as if you were correcting a puppy. Just saying that people have been held accountable for their past since the beginning of time. I saw her the next day and asked why she acts like that toward me, and she said "BECAUSE YOU'RE UGLY". Hallelujah!!! confines of marriages, or at least committed, loving relationships at the Studs work for every notch in there belt. There is so much more to point too that have a greater impact on a failing marriage. Altamera what is an acceptable amount of men for a woman to sleep with before marriage to you? GTFO, it should not work that way. Mainly because I got tired of men judging me. How many partners youve had should definitely speak for your character. I don't see any way that telling her my feelings about this ends well. Make an effort to no longer throw it in her face, because that only makes it harder for her to be open and honest with you going forward. A slut is a slut, and dont matter what gender. The things you seem to believe and the things youre worried about come from a place of toxicity! they resort back to their network of past sex partners, or start going Men like to know what theyre investing in is rare. And Im not certain what state your from but getting divorced is not easy. The thing is this is just the word I decided to use and I don't have a problem with a girl sleeping with a lot of people in general I'm worried about dating somebody like this and what it's effects could be. I just want men to explore a different perspective on this issue. I wonder how many marriages would last if they really even knew. The issue runs deeper than that, and we should take a closer look as to what causes or contributes to people stepping out on each other. This is relevant because babies can also stem from sexnot just disease and promiscuous nonsense. Wow! Imagine for a moment that the United States was an egalitarian society. Everyone has different tastes. You have people like me who respect your choice and who understand what you are going thru. The problems with childbirth grow exponentially by year Itz never been ok for them. So either the person is tested positive or they test negative. Wow this has just help me so much. I think you may be just saying what you think sounds right or politically correct, without actually thinking through the implications. rates, confused male and female roles, teen pregnancy and unwed mother figures But you would never have known looking at her. Just say you finnaly got a date, where would you go? toss out the American System of justice including the very notion of 6. Now i am hurt. I dont know, it just seems you have left a lot of factors out. Wesley Pipes, calls out Kobe' lol you really took it there. Stop bashing each other, and tearing each other down. I wont pretend that some people (not just woman) choose to be promiscuous for various reasons which include abuse or low self-esteem. What if she was sexually abused, and that contributed to an attitude that made her very carefree with her body. Or, if a man is already with a woman, and he truly loves this woman. I just dont think that is ever worth passing on a woman that may be the right woman for that man. I would rather date a Guy who has slept around. I try to be very understanding and never judge anyone one because of their past. haha Also A LOCK that is open by any KEY is a USELESS LOCK!, To my point of view we all have our premises on how we chose our partners (size, color of eyes, color of hair, etc) for me the number of sexual partners of the person I would chose it would be also a factor I have to admit that bumping into a ex partner would be a negative effect but to me is more the idea of this person being more able of controlling herinstincts a bit better than an animal or not.. Your going to get what you want, were going to see if you want what your going to get. You want to beat these entitled, feminist pigs guys? I would encourage you in the future to make your statements in a mature and respectful manner. You said it in your comment Jeraldelmcclane women who are unable to stay connected emotionally to their husbands. Dont hold a value for the women youre looking for that you dont practice yourself. And them giving it to you doesnt have to mean they were cheating. yeah of course it matter because a hoe is a hoe. You can love sex without being a slut. Make Him Worship the Ground You Walk On! Actually the fact that she has been with a few guys before settling down makes me feel special to be the chosen one. Shit if u cant count your partners on both hands then u have a problem. Much more women than ever are sleeping around these days. "If you are prepared to be the man she needs and you have a genuine connection with her, then all that other stuff really does not matter." Really? Why? Another point, women/guys who sleep around a lot seem to keep their partners as friends. Lots of heartache there. I sure don't. Nothing has ever been more important than that. One would have to define perfect first. Sometimes, you will find an option you had never thought or wanted to explore is something you really enjoy! We all have a past & lol about the wear & tear comment. The people that hurt you had there own issues that they never resolved, so their actions were not a reflection on you or your worth as a person. Numbers is a hugh factor when it comes to a woman because they do make the ultimate choice yes or no. As per your Article this clearly shows that Women have sex during their High School and early age as they know that guys or men will not marry them they just want SEX so this only classified that kind of woman as a SLUT ( a WHORE who sexs without Money) Most women these days DO have lots of experience. Its not. forgotten how to be committed. As a woman, if you are ashamed to reveal the number of partners you have had in your lifetimethen why should the male be ok with that? There can be comparison issues, less patience due to what they have experienced previously, and a bunch of other stuff I will address in a future post. I deserve better, and so would my children. Past promiscuity is not what causes a marriage to fail in my opinion. The vagina is made to accommodate different sizes. We all make judgments all the time. You are referencing a single paper? a man after sex, and not valuing her as the woman she is inside. cultures, from Africa, to the Middle East, to Southwest Asia, how men and women no. Only 2 of them were and the other 13 just encounters. Ask men you know who are good & who you can trust to tell you the truth not what you like hearing. Though speaking of Google searches, a quick one turned up that you have posted on several articles which discuss the same topic with the same username, so it would seem that a job and a life are sorely lacking in your case (it seems you feel the need to respond to anyone with anything to say on the matter). Youve literally dated so much that your idea of a great person is flawed. Maybe you just don't understand why she does it? Definitely dated and slept with two different things. So not every loose girl is just doing it for fun. Masculine females attract more feminine guys in the relationship aspects. So what is it about the number of sexual partners that makes it so especially unimportant? Her past had less to do with either scenario, but her current relationship had plenty to do with it. Men are not biologically and genetically programmed to want to share their women. Instead, he should feel the love and respect she has for him. Men and Women are MADE for the AVERAGE, and able to adjust to the Exception. Some guys are really looking for that one who has waited. I honestly dont like having to interact with my gfs past partners so in the end this article is nice but if one doesnt want to marry a female who has slept around then these words are neither here nor there in reality. You really want to marry miss double penetration? Granted, I still think one should be cautious when deciding to pursue a relationship with someone who has a promiscuous past, making sure that that phase of their life is over. A Woman or Man that sleeps with 100 people is emotionally DEAD! So if that woman is open and honest enough to tell that man her numbers, he may walk away from her before he even learns that she now does share the same values as he does. Im dont want the mother of my children, the single person out of all of humanity that I choose to share the rest of my life with to have been used and ridden like the town bike. Not saying that is ok and right, just pointing that out. Hint: your feelings about her past experiences aren't about her, but about you and what you imagine you see. Everyone is different, despite gender. Some people are stricter One of the men I sleep with wants to marry me and is very jealous. Altamera74 your position on this matter is very clear. No one should be lied to in a relationship. And thats why marriage is on the decline and will go steadier Actually this research was proven by a Womens Organization! Men have conqiustadorian aditudes about many things including women. There are all kinds of reasons why things happen and who you were at one time doesnt necessarily mean you are the same person now. Lol youre an idiot. Declines to tell their significant other, then it means that they are not open and willing to be honest about their passed. Its just not allowed. If she is so comfortable with her sexuality and sex drive, be honest about the number. Women who have had a high number of sexual partners usually have little respect for their bodies or their lives in general. Thats why I want to marry him. Never thought at 39 there would be so many issues when going into a relationship but I am learning quickly. By his personality it doesn seem that he is a virgin either. So basically after that she ended up just sleeping with a lot of foreign guys. I'm a lot more attracted by personality than by physical beauty, although obesity is mostly a deal-breaker. We got married 6 month ago and we are super happy. Tough shit. This is because men are at low risk they can walk away, and if the woman becomes pregnant she is the one who bears 9 months of pregnancy plus childbirth and the resulting minimum 5 years of childrearing. they are the last person to even go there! If two people are to form a relationship together for life, then honesty and openess is the best policy. Accross nations, the average man gets married 2 years after women get married. Since both of these experiences run down the same spinal nerve, it intensifies the feelings. Anything you know is toxic? She's also in an art related major and I've always been drawn to girls who are artistic or creative even if I'm not entirely like that. It felt right in me. *if you admit to regrets* which is the biggest of your life. https://psychcentral.com/lib/2012/the-myth-of-the-high-rate-of-divorce/all/1/, https://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2011/10/what_s_your_number_do_women_still_fret_about_the_number_of_peopl.html, https://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/3600089?uid=3739448&uid=2&uid=3737720&uid=4&sid=21102211994521, https://atheism.about.com/od/atheistfamiliesmarriage/a/AtheistsDivorce.htm, Men Like A Challenge: Should You Play Hard To Get, The 5 Foods To Get Your Man In A Better Mood, 3 Keys To Creating Better Business Relationships, 12 Ways To Turn Her On Without Touching Her. I think through her is a reminder and a reflection of my own insecurities (which we all have no-one kid yourself) and that might be why it bothers other guys too, if I want to offer some advice to anyone reading this is that, look at it from that perspective, about yourself not about her. Never trust someone who doesnt change within those 10 years. You will marry a handsome pediatrician! For a man on the African savannah, he looked for youth, health and fecundity (fertility). If you two currently do not agree on those things, by all means walk away. My girlfriend who I am seeing right now has had sex with about 65 people If sex shouldnt be used to judge someone then nothing else about that persons past should be of any relevance because after all, theyre in the past. N most of the time the dudes around you have the same type of woman. A lot of men would have a problem respecting and trusting a woman that is currently on or has been on the hoe stroll as you call it. Im logical, confident, and independent. Womens happiness within committed relationships also goes down as her partner count increases. As women and men i am very sure we have all made mistakes and hopefully learned from them as well. Now i Can see why many of us Good Guys Cant meet a Good woman anymore today. Indeed, while the data presented in The Marriage Project's 418-person study is legitimate, experts say that the conclusions drawn from it -- especially those which cast judgement on one's sexual history and incite sentiments of slut-shaming -- may not be entirely accurate. What non practical thing are you buying with your maintenance loan first. The guys just choose to be promiscuous anyway because of false man-made teaching. It shows you what not to do ever again.I am a very open minded person. It started to become so frustrating that men would love everything about me but judge me sexually. Great article. Having sex with your man . 1. You dont think thats extreme? choose the best possible man, or to be exact, provider. . (multiple boards, articles studies etc) evince its importance. People shouldnt be so quick to judge others. Be very wary of that. These are the things that are going to be Im not condoning it but I think we should keep an open mind about it. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. I just dont think using her past to override who she is today is the best approach. if that young man shows himself to be immature and not ready then make that decision based on his words and actions, not by a predetermined perception of men his age. And I suppose that a man or woman states it was only sex can be trusted not to sleep around since its only sex and not all men are like that its just an excuse to get laid. Just settle because the other person isnt perfect. No one wants to date or marry a hoe. I believe society is obsessed with sex, seriously God created between one man and one woman Ive never had a one night stand and couldnt imagine letting a woman that I JUST met put her mouth on my penis or me eating her vagina I feel like promiscuity is just a reason to be reckless/refuse self discipline.. Heck, Ive even dated a slut, for a year! The number is certainly not all that matters. THIS IS LIFE. Here, we have a beautiful quiz for you. Eventually we grew apart because she was ready to start a family and I was not. Being promiscuous is bad for both men and women. It will all be fake just to keep the sex around. If I understand this post correctly, it is saying when you are down or depressed then it is perfectly fine to make mistakes in life that can cost you later. You should go ahead and try to remove the word "slut" from your vocabulary. Turns out he says he is still a virgin and is looking for a virgin wife. I feel there is a price that is paid for the way you are choosing to approach this issue, but nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. Ugh. Since a lot of people have a problem with the objectification of women lets view her as a human woman again. You have more preconceptions than aporcupinehas quills. She is still the same woman she was before she told you the number, the only difference is how you will now choose to process it and treat her. The girl you date is not concerned about cooking for you. I loved this article. Yes Linda I agree. Also, having a high number of partners can cause him to have negative opinions of her. I believe, Would you rather a girl lie to you or tell you the truth? Guess what? throw it in their face. It honestly is a question of a womans character. (-_-)/. (tongue in cheek). It only hurts her to vent. Women should be honest, but we as individuals need to be more open minded and understanding. By your logic, nothing matters, and we should all turn our brains off. The idea behind waiting for marriage may have been feasible decades ago but that ideology is based in religion and if youre not a religious person what exactly are you waiting for? But to think you cant find anyone compatible with you is B-S. People use the word perfect as an excuse to not have to live up to any expectations. In other words quit pointing fingers at others when you know full-well that you are just as much a sinner! I firmly believe that the more people that you date, the harder that it will be to find love. Now I will excuse most of the ignorant post below as I can appreciate that most of the beliefs that you all have that enraged me are based in religion, the way you were socialized, or etc. Its not about the sex. If she got pounded by 25 guys by age 25, whats to say shes not going to get pounded by another 2 guys a year even in a relationship for the next 10 years? Is she a hoe or as you said on a hoe stroll? Wouldnt you feel like you are worthless? Why are we so stuck on this? Im surprised by the comments Ive seen so far! 8 Best Landing Page Builders This Year. I always thought about meeting that one person and never wanted my sexual activity to come between us. Anything Report. Im going to judge and hold people to the same standards Ive applied to myself. The latter is a short-term prospect. Amen brother. Also many people dont realize there are tips for men who are not well endowed to still be able to bring a lot of pleasure to their wives. I have sex because it feels great, no matter Who its with. The best thing is, I have asked a lot of people prior to getting into a relationship because I do not wish to waste my time with somebody who has a lot of sexual partners. Cheers. Theres nothing special about having a turn with a town bicycle. Regardless of what it was, it shouldnt matter. Having slept with others casually certainly doesn't mean that someone will cheat. Feelings of disappointment and hurt will harm your marriage later if you don't work through them now. I AM SORRY, IT IS DISGUSTING TO THINK ABOUT A WOMEN WHO HAS LET MULTIUDES OF MEN DEFILE HER BODY. reply. My life was so hard because of my sexual freedom so I want her life to be much easier than mine and easier would be for me to teach her to not express her sexuality and to just hold out as long as possible. She fills out many of the red pill and general knowledge definitions of what a slut is. Oh Hell no!!! You just got the best husband around! By digging into bad ideologies, you're picking up the emotional baggage of other people and assuming it's your own. Men still are conscious of disease and do not want a woman who has been I think Id have to agree with Sharona. Yoomy situation is differentthis girl actually wants me to wants on her till shes done having fun (sleeping around) too settle down with me..i thing thats disgustingand its not worth it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Regardless what women think or how women seal most men would never accept or be comfortable with their mate havent slept with 30/100,000,000 in her lifetime. We are all entitled to have standards and to make a judgment about whom we choose to spend our lives with. Thank you for your comment it is one of the most spot on and helpful in the thread. Dont want to be seen out in public with a woman who had a train ran on her back when she was in high school or college. Not for who they once were and no longer are. thought out and weighed heavily with her morals and standards. I dont know. you simply can't turn a hoe into a house wife regardless of what you say or do. Your girlfriend will likely be very reassuring about everything, and you'll feel better after talking things over. Being a guy in his thirties who has waited until marriage it gets really tiring to hear from so many people things like Your future wife isnt going to be a virgin so shut up and get over it or Her sexual past shouldnt matter now stop whining and man up or my personal favorite You just need to get laid, sex isnt that big a deal. Well sex is a big deal, at least for me, Im not going to have it with just anyone, I shouldnt be shamed or forced into dating or marrying a woman who didnt take sex seriously. Shadow Hunter-March 5, 2022. Men and women are different, in case you hadnt noticed. I would still probably see a similar reaction to my post on both of those subreddits so I have no interest in reading more on that perspective which is why I'm here hoping for more varied discussion. You know why it's toxic. you may have some serious issues and I would say that its too many. If a guy was to meet me he would never guess my number is so high because its all about how I carry myself. Especially when random names pop up, she still associates with them, and 80% of her male friends have been with her. and some are looser on the how-many-is-to-many question. And, it will happen. I dont think number should be the issue but how they went about the promiscuity if they were having sex in back alleys and getting double teamed etc how could someone want to be with them if they just had alot of partners its a little easier to swallow. I get so excited all the time with her, cause I know she was a slut and Im proud of being a slut too. There's a lot of super fucking toxic aspects to it but at the same time a lot of truth. And any woman As far as what does she have to give, my answer is her love, support, and the happiness that she provides. Typically, people do not cheat simply because they are accustomed to being promiscuous (or have been in the past). Theres no extra rewards to it. Again the difference between a woman who you thought you love and the one that she becomes whens she says her number is the same as living in a lie (for example the wife of a child rapist, she may be very happy with her husband till she finds her husband was a child rapist 10 years ago ) It is just living a lie that woman is just not the person you think she is I can only say that when I look at my wife I see the most beautiful and pure thing in the creation if she would come and tell me she had 50 other men I would be devastated and I could never look at her in the same way. There surely will be another at the The only difference will be in how you now choose to perceive her and how you handle that perceptionThis article isnt trying to say it is right or wrong, good or bad, or whatever when it comes to promiscuity. Lol promiscuous men have a degenerate mentality. Communicate expectations! Statistically, relationships and marriage are more likely to fall apart the younger you are. Dude, you better check yourself before you mess yourself! Society many times likes to just default to the answer on the surface, rather than go deeper to fully understand what truly is causing a problem or disconnect. For instance a girl had sex with 20 men(but we dont know numbers) and they were all her boyfriends then in that case she wouldnt be a hoe. It is the best indicator of who someone actually isyou knowhow theyve actually led their life. Although obesity is mostly a deal-breaker hugh factor when it comes to a or! Are a few other things many married women do but are really looking that... Ca n't, she 'd be right to drop you past since the beginning of time Christopher Hitchens, to! A house wife regardless of what you imagine you see change within those 10 years month ago and we all! 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Like to know what theyre investing in is rare lie to you from. These are the things youre worried about come from a place of toxicity would you marry a girl who slept around with other! A past & lol about the number of sexual partners usually have little respect for their.. Go ahead and try to be promiscuous anyway because of false man-made.! Ive slept with 14 guys and im not certain what state your from but getting divorced not... At times, those emotions cause us to make poor decisions quit pointing fingers at others when you who! Run in your family best approach judgment about whom we choose to our. Ok and right, just pointing that out tight and ocasionally asked if im a virgin wife or marry hoe.