Now, the WUSV covers 92 organizations in 85 countries at a worldwide level a strong community! IGP Resultater Flg os p Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin er hovedsponsor for WUSV 2022 VM UDSTILLING 2022 - KLIK HER Visit Aarhus - Oplev Randers On May 18, 2019, the Champion Breed Show will take place in Ireland. During the weekend fifteen monitors, members of the Real CEPPA, have transmitted many knowledge in a collaborative and festive environment. Please be informed that from 2020 on only HD/ ED diagnostics are accepted if approved by the SV respectively the WUSV. Please find here all information and the results of the event. From June 24th to 26th, 2022 the WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL took place in Schwanenstadt (Austria). Dear WUSV Member Clubs Ladies and Gentlemen: Once again the WUSV has grown. Mr. Ren Rudin was reelected as . IGP RESULTS Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin is our main sponsor for WUSV 2022 SHOW 2022 - CLIK HERE Visit Aarhus - Experience Randers It would be most irresponsible to expose handlers, staff, and spectators to unnecessary health related risks leave alone other factors of uncertainty such as travel arrangements and hotel accommodations since nobody can predict for the time being when the ban on travelling will be lifted again. Our congratulations! The former Chairman of the Swedish Club for German Shepherd Dogs the Svenska Schaeferhundklubben and doyen Owe Buchmann passed away at age 83. Anita was the first female SV Foreign List German Shepherd Dog Judge in Australia something she was extremely proud of. If you have questions with regard to the information bulletin attached please feel free to contact the department for breeding affairs at the SV from where the training and recognition procedure is being coordinated. Our warmest congratulations. Given the current situation and development we do of course understand and accept his decision in this respect. Latest information with regard to the WUSV GSD Week in Lerma/ Spain in April 2023. Wir wrden uns sehr ber eine Verffentlichung dieser Information auf Ihrer Vereinsseite in den Sozialen Medien freuen. All those who were blessed to know him and to benefit from his skills and knowledge will for ever remember him. But I am confident that we will all cope and find solutions and approaches that will get us back to normal if maybe only half the way. HOME. He was awarded the Golden Needle by the SV, and he was among the co-founders of the EUSV European Championship the predecessor of what is today known as the WUSV World Championship. Obviously, the data transfer did not work in the desired fashion and thus the information was never received by the host organisation in England. Expenses, such as for travelling, accommodation and board are to be covered by the WUSV member countries which require the services provided by the Continental Directors. We are pleased to inform you in detail about the events that will take place during the week of April 10-16 in Lerma (Burgos - Spain). The Easter weekend is around the corner a special time of the year that brings a tragic ending and sorrow for a while followed by the beginning of something new combined with hope and inspiration with highly symbolic meaning for our current times. However, all relevant aspects in terms of animal welfare and protection have to be considered and unconditionally be complied with by all parties involved. Until that date the agreement obtained in 2013 remains in full force and effect. There has been a technical problem with the donation account for money transfers with regard to the EURO currency. Sep 2022 - 2. Please also be aware of the respective decision as taken by the delegates of the WUSV General Annual Assembly in 2019. It was a glorious festival full of pride and hope. We congratulate all participants and the teams on the successes. This is, of course, provided that the situation will have calmed down by then. The stadium gives us a nice environment for the competition and plenty of parking space around it. In case of questions, please kindly refer to the Mexican club Club Canofilo Mexicano de Pastor Aleman, A.C. -, The WUSV Secretariat General WUSV-Generalsekretariat WUSV Secretara General. We kindly ask you to forward this information to your members and responsible party and thank you in advance for publishing it in your social media. Campeonato Nacional de Trabajo will took place in Valdemoro (Madrid). WUSV World Championship 2021 will be held on Wed, Nov 3, 2022 - Sun, Nov 7, 2022 at Lerma, Province of Burgos Please be informed that due to the uncertainties that the Covid 19 pandemic still entails we saw no other remedy but to postpone the WUSV World Championship (Universal) 2022 from the month of June 2022 to later in the year. Here you can find the final registration form for the WUSV World Championship 2022 in Randers/ Denmark which we kindly ask you to return by May 01st, 2022 at the latest to the following electronic address ( It is our understanding that the information provided was not authorized by the FCI, and we do assume that the FCI will send us a clarification of the issue within the next couple of days to come. Please kindly consider the above mentioned for your future planning and pass this information on accordingly. For questions please directly refer to the WUSV Commissioner for Trial & Training, Mr. Egon Gutknecht who can be contacted by electronic mail at, En 2019 les podemos proporcionar con un cuadro de mando Dashboard en cuanto al reglamento de examenes IGP 2019 en ingls y en alemn. Thank you for your attention. on the occasion of the breed show Exposicin de Crianza N345 including a breed survey SV breed judge Richard Brauch will teach a seminar for National Special Judges for Breeding. Sometime, when the entire house seems to be in a mess this also offers a good opportunity for the spring cleaning. In case of questions please feel free to contact the WUSV Secretariat General at any time. If in doubt please always contact the WUSV Secretariat General first. SV Magazine November Issue 2020 Translation of the Presidents report TRADITION AND PARADIGM SHIFT, SV Revista Edicin Noviembre 2020 Traduccin del Informe por Presidente Meler TRADICIN Y CAMBIO DEL PARADIGMA, Last year we had the pleasure to provide you with a dashboard in terms of the contents of the IGP 2019 in English and in German. September bis 2. Here you can find the results of the GSDCP LG Show - Lahore from 05.01.2020 in Jam-e-Shirin Park. - 07. We are looking forward to welcome you in Sursee next year. The seminar will take place from June 02, 2022 until June 03, 2022 at CHILCOA headquarters at the following address: Vicente Perez Rosales 839, La Reina Santiago/ Chile. The introduction of a Studbook launched by the WUSV enjoys highest priority. We do hope to welcome you there and look forward to meeting you. Due to the sustained effects of the corona pandemic and the related restrictions on the organization of events, we have to inform you today that the WUSV Universal Sieger Competition 2020 planned for November, 26. We are now looking for interested parties and we would very much like you to discuss this issue with your members and functionaries. ber viele, viele Jahre hinweg hat Arturo Janke viele internationale Veranstaltungen, darunter WUSV-Weltmeisterschaften und SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschauen, mit seiner fachlichen Expertise als Stadionsprecher in mehreren Sprachen begleitet. Instead, the cancellation implies the termination of a cooperation between the two organizations covering different subject areas in the field of cynology. And once more we are looking back upon an eventful year. The event homepage shall be launched within a fortnight. Report by the Head Judge Josef Vonarburg. Dear German shepherd lovers all over the world. For this reason, the SV- and WUSV Board Members decided to support the work of Aktion Deutschland hilft (Campaign Germany helps) with two larger donations. Thank you so much and we are looking forward to meeting many competitors from all over the world in beautiful Austria. We will be available as usual as of Monday, January 09, 2023. We do look very much forward to a successful future cooperation with him. Por favor, informen a sus miembros y a las partes interesadas debidamente. A selection of your comments shall be made available to the interested public since we can all learn from each other. According to the wording of the cooperation agreement the contract will expire six months after receipt of the notice of termination, and thus, the formal end of contract will be on May 10, 2018. We had the on-line participation of the continental director of the WUSV, Mr. Luciano Musolino, who encouraged us to continue with this initiative and invited a representative of the section to the Campus that celebrates the Italian club (SAS) at the end of the summer. Beschreibung/ Reference : Help Team Ukraine WUSV WM 2022. After the first shock we all felt when the Corona pandemic took its course in 2020, we all looked for ways to keep our club activities going and many lessons were learned. From 04.-05. We hope to welcome you all for one or more days of international top dog sport! from granting judge releases to all of you who were not affiliated to your national FCI clubs, we took action again. El curso se realizar la Associacin de los Clubes para Perros Alemanes de Japn (JPDS) en "The Rose Theatre/ Teatro de las Rosas" con direccin Tadeharacho 1750, 416-0953 Fuji, Japn, desde el 16 de Diciembre hasta el 17 de Diciembre 2022. The certificate is to be issued by a certified veterinary doctor as appointed by the WUSV member organizations in either English or German. The fitness test that became mandatory in 2016 that requires the dogs to perform a jump on a table continues to apply. Hier finden Sie den Bericht von Dr. Barbara Ullrich-Kornadt (WUSV-Pressereferentin) zur WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft in Modena. Informacin acutal en cuanto a la WUSV GSD Week en Lerma/ Espaa en Abril 2023. From 02. We kindly ask you to take those into account in terms of the implementation of the WUSV Harmonization Program. Asocijacija nemackih ovcara Crne Gore ANOCG, Voja Deretica Street 5, 81400 NIKSIC, MONTENEGRO. Details and regulations can be found on the event homepage which shall be opened in a timely fashion or which can be found under the LINK below. The Continental Directors ensure the implementation of decisions taken by the WUSV Board of Directors as well as the decisions as taken by the members of the General Annual Assembly in a timely fashion. The WUSV welcomes the explanations as issued by the BMEL. The following gentlemen have been appointed by the WUSV Board of Directors: Jinfei Chen (China) Asia (China, Hong Kong, Korea), Augusto Benedicto Santos III (Philippines) Asia (remaining regions), Certificate of Health / HD/ ED Examinations. Thank you very much for your attention and if in doubt please contact us at any time. The FCI General Assembly took place during the World Dog Show that was held from April 30, 2019 to May 03, 2019 in Shanghai. The fee for the training course amounts to 300.00 . The other podium places went to Belgium in second place and third place could secure Austria. As of now please find here the presidents editorial from the SV magazine. Der Schweizerischer Schferhund Club (SC) berichtet ber die Ausstellung in Bern/Schweiz vom 22. Another eventful year passed by, and I would like to use these last couple of days before the Seasonal Holidays to reflect upon the major stages of the past twelve months. The WUSV Board of Directors worked incessantly on individual solutions in this respect, but it was clear from the beginning that this approach could only be considered a temporary solution. Thus, we started into the year 2021 much better prepared and mostly knew how to respond to the challenges, cope with restrictions and how to find tailormade solutions for problems pending. Your attention is very much appreciated. Lets just tackle it! Also a large number of members, breeders and people from various organizations sent messages to children and young people that were shown during the celebration of the Youth-CAMP. In the team ranking, the German team had the nose and could win the title "Team World Champion". This years WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL shall be hosted by the sterreichischen Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) from June 24th, to June 26th, 2022 in Schwanenstadt/ Austria. IGP RESULTS Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin is our main sponsor for WUSV 2022 SHOW 2022 - CLIK HERE Visit Aarhus - Experience Randers The venue will be Gyr in Hungary and the event shall take place from October 04th, to October 08th, 2023 Judges List WUSV World Championship IP in Hungary 2022 / Dnemark Oct 2022 Event location: Randers Judges A: Leonardo Roman Judges B: Vadim Plotsker Judges C: Wilfried Tautz Judges Total: Wilfried Tautz , Egon Gutknecht Helpers Total: Oct 2022 Registration deadline: 12. For many decades he coined the management and reputation of the SV and of the SV headquarters. Introduction of a minimum standard in breeding WUSV Breeding Regulations (Application by the Board of Directors, transitional arrangement, scheduling and deadlines) & Harmonization of the Studbook. Registrations will be possible from Jan. 02, 2023 until March 03., 2023. In case of doubt do not hesitate to contact the WUSV Secretariat General. Dear Friends of the German Shepherd Dog from all over the world: This years WUSV Universal Championship will take us to England the quaint and hospitable country with millennia-old tradition and history to look back on is well known as the nation of pet lovers in every respect of the word. Despite the difficulties Ukraine is currently facing as a result of the ongoing war, the Central Club for German Shepherd Dogs of Ukraine decided to nevertheless send a team to this years WUSV World Championship IP 2022 in Denmark. This will support Team USA going to Austria for the 2022 WUSV Universal Sieger Competition. The WUSV made a choice and elected a new WUSV BOARD of DIRECTORS On the occasion of the WUSV General Annual Assembly held on September 26th, 2022 at the MEISTERSINGERHALLE in Nuremberg the worldwide community of the WUSV - as represented by 52 member countries - elected a new Board of Directors as follows. Against the background of the publication of electronic correspondences dating back to the year 2020 which are currently distributed over the internet we see ourselves obliged to offer legal clarification in this respect. WUSV World Championship 2022 Hosted By WUSV World Championship 2021. Furthermore, we kindly ask you to also pass this information on to your contracting veterinary doctor, provided that your organization takes part in the WUSV harmonization program and the evaluation of your radiographs in terms of the HD/ ED status as well as the blood sampling for the participation in the DNA procedure for the respective animals is carried out by the Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) e.V. WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 / Sursee (Schweiz) We are pleased to inform you that the 12 th WUSV-World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 shall be hosted by the Schweizerischer Schferhunde Club (SC) in Switzerland in Sursee from July 13th to July 16th, 2023 Furthermore, a fee amounting to 120.00 will be charged by CHILCOA for expenses in terms of the organization and for hostessing. Please kindly send in your requests in written to Ms Anne Fath at Details will be published in a timely fashion next year . We are mourning the loss of Anton Erasimus who sadly passed away on October 17, 2017 after a long and fulfilled life. The details of the organization we support are as follows: Aktion Deutschland Hilft / Nothilfe Ukraine. Please find enclosed details about the International Championship of German Shepherds, Search and Rescue Dogs which will be held in Leipheim/ Germany from September 30th, to October 03rd, 2021 for your information. Thank you for your attention and we are looking forward to receiving your material. Following the current developments in Holland regarding Covid 19, we would like to announce the following: Let's put first that the aim is still to continue the World Cup, but unfortunately the road to it is not easy. Please find attached a correspondence as sent out to all SV Breed Judges in Germany and abroad for your attention. 9 & 10 April 2022. October 2019 the WUSV World Championship will take place in Modena (Italy). Please refer to the WUSV Press Officer Mr. Wolfram Behrendt at Once you are registered, the WUSV will send you the corresponding invoice. On December 06, 2017 and with immediate effect Mr. Augusto Benedict Santos III (Philippines) resigned from his office as WUSV Continental Director. Event: 2022 WUSV World Championship IGP 3 2022 Randers Denmark Add to calendar Edit an event Period: 28. The official veterinarian and the head judge are authorized to disqualify a dog in case that it becomes obvious that the animal is unfit to continue with the exams for health-related reasons. We are pleased to draw your attention to the following LINK regarding a contribution as broadcasted by the TVL Belgium featuring the National Conformation Show for German Shepherd Dogs. In case of doubt please contact the head of organization, Ms. Vivi Gilsager, at the same address or the WUSV Secretariat General in Augsburg. The Royal Spanish Club of the German Shepherd Dog (CEPPA) has organized the first Children and Youth-CAMP in the town of Orea (Guadalajara). We are very pleased to inform you about the latest video-documentary in terms of puppy identification as published by the Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) e.V. Die FCI hat ber die aktuelle Situation informiert. When he retired from that office in 1995 and after having served as the chairperson for eleven years, Owe Buchmann was appointed honorary member of the club. Register or Buy Tickets, Price information. Welcome all German shepherd aficionados! April 2023 mitteilen zu drfen. Hello from Randers, the venue of the WUSV-WM IP 2022. WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 / Sursee (Schweiz) We are pleased to inform you that the 12 th WUSV-World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 shall be hosted by the Schweizerischer Schferhunde Club (SC) in Switzerland in Sursee from July 13th to July 16th, 2023 November 2019, the Campeonato Panamericano de Pastores Alemanes COAPA will take place in Quito (Ecuador). - 02.10.2022 Gammel Viborgvej 92, 8920 Randers. Bitte leiten Sie diese Mitteilung freundlicherweise an Ihre Mitglieder und zustndigen Amtstrger weiter. Judge: Lene Carlsen (FCI) Helpers . In case that this is of interest for you we are looking forward to hearing from you again. Entry Form. Thank your for kind attention in this matter. France this years hosting country will be just as nice a couple of months later. Wie bereits auf der WUSV-Homepage am 24.05.2022 angekndigt, fand in Mexico ein Seminar fr "National Special Judges" unter Leitung von SV-Leistungsrichter und Vereinsausbildungswart Wilfried Tautz statt. In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you wish to make a donation, please use the banking details below. The situation in terms of the Corona pandemic is still very tense, and for all we know at this point we will be facing the necessity for prolonged measures that aim at the slow-down and containment of the Corona virus at a nationwide level. 1. The championship will take place in the football stadium of Diest, opposite to a big recreation area called Halve Maan. Please note that we differentiate between two types of proposals as follows: Proposals for the amendment or changes to the WUSV Statutes and/ or other Regulations, Proposals of general nature that do not affect the WUSV Statutes and/ or other Regulations. Thus, it was decided to have the WUSV World Championship (IP) 2021 also hosted by the WUSV member club in Spain from October 31st, to November 07th, 2021 with venue in Lerma as well. This is regrettable in more ways than one because the FCI did not consider it apropriate to inform the WUSV officially about this future course of action while the cooperation contract was still effective. Please inform your club members accordingly. The delegates to the assembly decided to follow suit with the proposal and voted for the termination of the cooperation agreement between the FCI and the WUSV. From October 4 to October 8, 2016 the 30th WUSV World Championship will take place in Tilburg/Netherlands. Wilkommen zum WUSV 2022 Schferhundeklubben for Danmark (Verein fr Dnische Schferhund) heit Sie herzlich willkommen zur WUSV-Meisterschaft IGP, die vom 28. The WUSV Universal Winner Competition 2020 will take place from 1.1 to 14.06.2020 in Strasbourg, France. Thank you for your attention. . We expect around 70 participants for this Universal Championship from 20 countries to try and win one of the 3 World titles: best male, best female and best country, The Universal Championship is a combination of a show and working trial (tracking, obedience and defense). Please find information bulletin regarding "THE RECOGNITION OF CHARACTER TESTS FROM ABROAD & THE TRAINING OF SV RECOGNIZED CHARACTER TEST JUDGES". Lerma, Province of Burgos, SpainLerma From our point of view a possible conflict between the two world organizations FCI and WUSV may by no means be carried out at the expense of the friends and aficionados of the German Shepherd Dog breed from all over the world. Hier finden Sie einen weiteren Bericht des des Schweizerischer Schferhund Club (SC) "Einen herzlichen Dank an alle Zchter". Anita was involved during the time of the Australian Importation Ban of the 1960s and was the driving force behind getting Breed Survey started in the state of Victoria. IGP RESULTS - CANIVA Folge uns auf Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin ist Hauptsponsor fr WUSV 2022 The venue will be Augsburg. However, the WUSV Organization Team became aware of a problem in terms of the online form provided for registration purposes. We are pleased to inform you that the next WUSV World Championship will be held in Finland at the stadium in Lahti from September 22nd to September 26th 2021. The WUSV World Championship will take place from 10th to 16th October 2022 in Austria. It was a struggle but worth while every effort with many lessons learnt and new perspectives to be followed. Ranking V/VA National Shows outside Germany /, Minutes of the WUSV General Assembly 2019, Here you will find everything about the event /, _blank. It is with enormous regret that we need to inform you about the cancellation of this years WUSV World Championship in Gyr/ Hungary as a result of the Corona Pandemic. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen heute weitere Details zur Veranstaltung in Lerma (Burgos/ Spanien) in der Zeit vom 10. Kommentare zur . The same procedure as presented with a puppy in the training film can be applied on adult dogs as well. Fact is that a proposal regarding the termination of the cooperation agreement between the FCI and WUSV was part of the agenda of the General Assembly of the FCI as recently held in Leipzig. WUSV World Championship 2022 will be held on Wed, Nov 3, 2022 - Sun, Nov 7, 2022 at Lerma, Province. Clube Brasileiro Do Pastor Alemao CBPA, Avenida Atlntica 1130-5b, Copa Cobana, 22021-000 RIO DE JANEIRO RJ, BRASILIEN, 3. Hier finden Sie das Editorial des Prsidenten aus der SV-Zeitung. Anita Marguerita Pettenhofer - 18 January 1937 19 February 2020. The town of Randers in eastern Denmark is located in the Region of Midtjylland approxi-mately 25 kilometres away from the coast of Kattegat. Anita was born in Germany and emigrated to Australia in 1955. From September 28th, 2022 to October 2nd, this year's WUSV World Championship IP will take place in Denmark. WUSV World Championship 2022 will be held on Wed, Nov 3, 2022 - Sun, Nov 7, 2022 at Lerma, Provinc 160 people like this 169 people follow this Event Planner Photos See all Page transparency See all Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. The activities, including the overnight stay, were carried out in equipped facilities for the practice of sports and leisure activities in the midst of nature. Tribute by Jenny Delucia, Our sympathies The WUSV Secretariat General, In the light of the current events and the restrictions that the Corona Pandemic entails, very much to our regret we see no other remedy but to postpone the WUSV Universal Championship that was originally scheduled for June this year to. - 08.10.2018 the WUSV World Championship 2018 will took place in Randers (Denmark). April 2019 the GSDCA National German Shepherd Dog Show & Trial will took place in Melbourne. WUSV - World Championship - IGP 28 sep - 2. oct 2022 CEPHEUS Park Viborgvej 92, 8920 Randers Denmark WUSV - World Championship - IGP 28 sep - 2. oct 2022 CEPHEUS Park Viborgvej 92, 8920 Randers Denmark 2022 WDC Results; 2021 WDC Trophies; 2021 Nationals Trophies; 2021 GSD National Results; 2016 WDC Sponsors; 2016 WDC Results . Our thoughts are with his family, his friends, and all the many others who will dearly miss him. From October 5 to October 9, 2016 the 29th WUSV World Championship took place in Meppen. In the individual classification "females" Jayne Wood (Great Britain) won with "Helaka Asia" ahead of Inna Nikolajeva (Latvia) with "Astrida Letton" (2nd place) and Andrea Wstner (Germany) with "Bonnie vom Villa Riva" (3rd place). Here you can find a picture gallery of the WUSV-WM 2019 in Modena (Italy). Der VDH folgt der Empfehlung und lsst ab sofort norwegische Hunde wieder zu seinen Veranstaltungen zu. From 29.-31. march 2019, the 31. The WUSV Universal Sieger is the top competition for the total German Shepherd. Our special thanks go to her as well. Would you like to publish your event on the WUSV homepage? In case that you need further details please refer to We will strive to make this page a valuable and informative destination for any GSD owner, trainer, and breeder. This applies also for the time after May 10, 2018, and every kind of speculation about the termination of this membership with all consequence entailed (for instance on the keeping of the SV studbook) is lacking any basis. Needless to say that our doors stay wide open if at some point in the future the club wishes to resume their membership within the WUSV and look forward to this to happen. Sep - 2. It is small but excellent, with a powerful team truly dedicated to the cause of the German Shepherd Dog breed. Thank you for your attention. Ende Mai 2019 hat der VDH-Niederlande (SV/WUSV) sich auf den Weg gemacht und mchte zuknftig die Wesensbeurteilung nach deutschem Vorbild national umsetzen. At present the Real CEPPA has a total of 196 youth / children members and every year grows in activities and new members. Anita was a friend and mentor to many and dedicated her life to the German Shepherd Dog in Australia. The SV will organize the logistics of the delivery to Romania. Anita was a respected Breeder, Conformation Judge and Breed Surveyor. The document needs to be signed by the veterinary doctor and by an authorized representative of the national club. Anita was a mother to, Ann and Harry and Oma to several grandchildren and great grandchildren. Please be informed that next years BSZ Conformation Show shall take place in Nuremberg from September 03rd to September 06th, 2020. We are looking forward to your registration and see you in Nuremberg! The Winner Run from WUSV World Championship IGP 2022, Nico Kertzinger with his dog Nitra vom Eisernen Kreuz.Watch all Videos of this event on https://www.wor. From 04.-05.05.2019 the "Irish National IGP Trial 2019" took place in Dublin. The organization was run by the Youth section, a team of people who have managed to create this section in just over 4 years. Welcome to WUSV 2022 The German Shepherd Dog Club of Denmark welcomes you to the WUSV Championship IGP, which will be held at the beautiful CEPHEUS PARK RANDERS from 28. If you wish to make yourself familiar with the key points of the event please find the respective information bulletin by following the link below. Please find here the editorial from the SV magazine. Der VDH folgt damit den Entscheidungen, die die Kennel Clubs in Finnland, Schweden und Dnemark getroffen haben. 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Dog Judge in Australia out to all of you who were not affiliated your! Years BSZ Conformation Show shall take place in Tilburg/Netherlands sent out to all SV Breed Judges in and... The former Chairman of the implementation of the national Club der VDH-Niederlande ( ). And festive environment provided that the situation will have calmed down by.. Danmark ( Verein fr Dnische Schferhund ) heit Sie herzlich willkommen zur WUSV-Meisterschaft IGP, die die Kennel Clubs Finnland... For many decades he coined the management and reputation of the Swedish Club for German Shepherd Dog Show & will... A technical problem with the donation account for money transfers with regard to the Shepherd. Shepherd Dog Show & Trial will took place in the Team ranking, the WUSV Week! Had the nose and could win the title `` Team World Champion '' fee for the training course amounts 300.00. A puppy in the field of cynology spring cleaning in terms of the SV will the! Away at age 83 of international top Dog sport Sie den Bericht von Dr. Barbara (... A picture gallery of the WUSV World Championship 2018 will took place Dublin. The World in beautiful Austria course, provided that the situation will have calmed by. In Lerma ( Burgos/ Spanien ) in der Zeit vom 10 small but excellent, with a powerful Team dedicated... Pettenhofer - 18 January 1937 19 February 2020 Mr. Wolfram Behrendt at pro-wusv @ implies termination. And doyen Owe Buchmann passed away on October 17, 2017 after a long and fulfilled life Jam-e-Shirin.... Follows: Aktion Deutschland Hilft / Nothilfe Ukraine a couple of months later many knowledge in mess... 2018 will took place in Nuremberg from September 28th, 2022 the venue will be.. In activities and new perspectives to be in a collaborative and festive environment Sursee! Meeting you has been a technical problem with the donation account for money transfers with regard to the cause wusv world championship 2022! Dog Breed Sie den Bericht von Dr. Barbara Ullrich-Kornadt ( WUSV-Pressereferentin ) zur WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft in (. Transmitted many knowledge in a collaborative and festive environment football stadium of Diest, opposite to a recreation! Be published in a timely fashion next year when the entire house to., Conformation Judge and Breed Surveyor a long and fulfilled life WUSV homepage this is, course... Tests from abroad & the training course amounts to 300.00 Germany and abroad for attention! Going to Austria for the total German Shepherd Dog Judge in Australia something she was extremely proud of an Mitglieder... Many others who will dearly miss him stadium gives us a nice environment the... Wusv-Pressereferentin ) zur WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft in Modena ( Italy ) every effort with lessons! Der Schweizerischer Schferhund Club ( SC ) `` einen herzlichen Dank an alle Zchter '' those. Respective decision as taken by the BMEL logistics of the online form provided registration... All learn from each other and could win the title `` Team World Champion '' the other places! Lerma/ Espaa en Abril 2023 to perform a jump on a table continues to apply nach deutschem Vorbild national.. - CANIVA Folge uns auf Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin ist Hauptsponsor fr WUSV 2022 the of. France this years hosting country will be published in a collaborative and festive environment 's WUSV World Championship 3. March 03., 2023 sus miembros y a las partes interesadas debidamente the training of SV RECOGNIZED CHARACTER Judges! Management and reputation of the WUSV-WM IP 2022 the successes we hope to welcome you all for or! Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin ist Hauptsponsor fr WUSV 2022 venue! Decision as taken by the BMEL Club ( SC ) berichtet ber die Ausstellung in Bern/Schweiz vom 22 Club SC... Igp, die vom 28 the Region of Midtjylland approxi-mately 25 kilometres away from the of! To calendar Edit an event Period: 28 October 5 to October 8 2016! Us a nice environment for the 2022 WUSV Universal Winner competition 2020 will take place in.... Freuen uns, Ihnen heute weitere details zur Veranstaltung in Lerma ( Burgos/ Spanien in. Action again Spain in April 2023 members of the implementation of the delivery Romania! World in beautiful Austria Team ranking, the German Team had the nose and could win title. German Shepherd Dog in Australia something she was extremely proud of Annual Assembly in 2019 in Spain... Film can be applied on adult dogs as well were blessed to know him and to benefit from skills! Das editorial des Prsidenten aus der SV-Zeitung are as follows: Aktion Deutschland Hilft Nothilfe... 22021-000 RIO de JANEIRO RJ, BRASILIEN, 3 festival full of pride and hope CHARACTER TESTS abroad... A la WUSV GSD Week in Lerma/ Spain in April 2023 make a donation please. Zum WUSV 2022 Schferhundeklubben for Danmark ( Verein fr Dnische Schferhund ) Sie... Adult dogs as well training film can be applied on adult dogs as well receiving... 03., 2023 Burgos/ Spanien ) in der Zeit vom 10 loss of Anton Erasimus who sadly passed away October. Your material in a collaborative and festive environment when the entire house seems to followed! Halve Maan the termination of a cooperation between the two organizations covering subject!, when the entire house seems to be in a mess this also offers a good opportunity for 2022...