rock coverage calculator
Each type of gravel has its own elegant look, each of which can compliment different styles of landscaping and architecture, thus tying a landscaping theme together. Ft. Squeege 83 Sq. Select product to begin calculating amount 1. For this size of project, consider purchasing pea gravel in bags of 0.5 cubic feet. If you're using smaller materials, say 3/4"-1", you may need only 3.6 tons. The jagged edges of the stone help the pieces to adhere and bond to one another while the stone dust fills in the spaces between gravel and reduces the void content. Gravel mulch on top acts as a natural moisture conservator, but the stones will get hot in sunny areas and some water will evaporate. This river rock calculator will help you find how much river rock you need for your rock bed, no matter its area and depth. Most gravel weighs 1.4 to 1.7 tons per cubic yard. River rock sizes vary from -inch to over 6 inches, making its calculation different from other gravel landscaping material. Often used in the construction of driveways, road base, patios and walkways as base or sub-base. Calculate the amount of gravel or aggregate needed in tons and cubic yards by entering the dimensions below. Finally, what if you have multiple areas you want to gravel? You want to be as accurate as possible without over or underestimating the amount of gravel you will need. We can also find river rocks used as riprap rocks or soil covering to avoid erosion and water runoff, or as backfill for french drains. The first layer provides the solid foundation, consists of slightly large size rocks and is called Base Gravel #3. Panels. It then tells you how effective those types are at tackling every known Pokmon. Stone Products. Georgia Top Soil. I can purchase 5 cubic yards of river rock at a price of $450. 100 square feet - 3 deep. *Please note conversions are approximate for categories listed. A gravel distributor can provide these amounts at wholesale prices. If you are building a boulder wall, check out the boulder wall calculator. Contrary to what you may think, there is more than one type of gravel, both by composition and size of the stones. Real-World Calculation Example For example, say you would like to cover a 10 by 10-foot area with 3 inches of pea gravel. Finally, decide how deep you want your material to be and hit calculate. We pride ourselves on customer dedication and are committed to assisting you in bringing the vision for your landscaping to life. Sand, Gravel & Limestone Calculator to Estimate Tons required: How Many Tons of Sand, Gravel or Limestone Do I Need? CALCULATING TONNAGE NEEDED FOR DECORATIVE ROCK: length X width= square footage square footage divide by the coverage size (ex: 1 rock covers approx. Some types of gravel offer excellent drainage as water is able to percolate through the stones leaving your property or walkway clean and dry. Gravel play an important role to provide a home for beneficial bacteria. Lets say that I want to cover an area of my driveway measuring 3 feet by 2 feet. Perhaps the necessary function that gravel serves is to provide a home for beneficial bacteria. This type of gravel consists of small, rounded stones in concrete sizes. Measure the length and width of the area in feet and multiply the figures together. The process is as follows: It is often a good idea to consider buying 5-6% more gravel than estimated by our calculator, to be on the safe side. Our calculator first works out the area and volume of the driveway base from the measurements you provide. The second layer will be of rocks about the size of golf balls. If the area you want to cover with gravel, or the shape you want to fill is round, the calculation is a bit different: The volume of a figure with a round foundation is its height times the area of its foundation. You can convert it into different units in which you want, like yards, meters, millimeters, centimeters feet and inches.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'squarefootagearea_com-box-3','ezslot_0',140,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-squarefootagearea_com-box-3-0'); Circumference CalculatorSquare Footage CalculatorTrapezoid Calculator. Find the driveway's length and width in yards by dividing the measurement in feet by 3. Crushed stone has been carefully screened and sized so that its ideally suited for the construction and surfacing of a residential front drive. River rocks vary in size, texture, and even color, and which one you use will depend on your taste. Calculate Fill Dirt. This type of landscaping rock adds curb appeal and warmth to any landscaping project, and an accurate river rock estimate will help your project stay on budget. SERVICES. Use light-colored river rocks for a cooler garden as they tend to reflect more sunlight than the dark-colored ones that absorb heat more. These gravel pieces are the perfect size for creating a driveway surface that will offer a smooth and gentle ride and creating a restful and delightful landscaping feature that will welcome guests to your home. If so, then you can calculate this using the mathematical formula: $$Price\,Per\,Unit\,Mass = {Total\,Cost\,of\,River\,Rock \over Weight\,of\,River\,Rock}$$, $$Price\,Per\,Unit\,Volume = {Total\,Cost\,of\,River\,Rock \over Volume\,of\,River\,Rock}$$. Your landscape rock coverage calculator would look like this: 10 x 10 = 100 What are the Max Watts on a 15/20 Amp Circuit? Now, I would enter these measurements into the calculator. With the boulder wall calculator below you can estimate the tons of boulders needed for a boulder retaining wall. If you are planning on installing sod as well, use the sod calculator to estimate how much sod youll need. Stone Coverage Calculator for Rock Landscapes, Picture Hanging Calculator with Gallery Spacings, Boulder Wall Calculator for Retaining Walls, Log Weight Calculator for Any Wood Species, Post Hole Calculator for Concrete Embedded Posts, Standard Heights for Light Switches, Outlets & More. Joint Compounds (choose one) USG Sheetrock Brand Ready-Mixed Joint Compounds (Taping, Topping, All-Purpose) USG Sheetrock Brand Plus 3 Lightweight All Purpose Joint Compound . Larger sizes of rock are trickier to calculate, so once you have your square footage, skip the depth calculation and use the following estimates: Accurate measuring saves time and money and helps you stay on budget. If the initial measurements were in inches, then convert cubic inches to cubic yards by dividing by 46,656. How many cubic yards are in a ton? It makes them perfect for driveways, flowerbeds and walkways. It can also be a great way to make your home stand out when used decoratively in landscaping beds around the house. Check out 31 similar construction materials calculators , Using our tool as a river rock coverage calculator. Lets now say that I need to cover an area with a custom aggregate stone. "Aggregates for Concrete" (2015) lecture for the University of Washington [online] Available at, [2] Wikipedia "Gravel" [online] Available at: Use this coverage chart to estimate the amount of material you need for your next landscape job. var Tawk_API=Tawk_API||{}, Tawk_LoadStart=new Date(); Divide the measurement in inches by 36 to find the driveway's depth in yards. 1. Coarse gravel that is carried down from high places by streams and deposited on relatively flat ground by slower running waters. You first have to enter the volume or weight of the available river rock you have, whichever value is known for this requirement. The ton is currently only used in the United States and is equal to 2000 pounds (2000 lbs). Estimate the volume of gravel needed, using geometrical formulas and plans or measurements. Landscape Material Coverage Chart 1-3 River Rock, 90 Square Feet 3/4, 1 Screened Gravel, 100 Square Feet @ 2 depth 5/8, 1/2 Screened Solve math questions. Estimate material given the length/width/depth, the area, or the volume of material needed. 10mm, 20mm. You would usually lay a 10mm aggregate at a depth of 30-40mm, but on a driveway this would need to be at least 50mm. Adding stone to your landscaping is crucial for proper retaining wall and pathway installations. Use our pebble calculator to find out how much rock you need to cover a 2-inch, 3-inch, or 4-inch depth. Calculate Sand, Gravel, Soil, Limestone and Decorative Stones | Cubic Yard (or Feet) to Tons Home Calculator Calculate How much material do you need? Dont get confused with why we used gravel with area, because the volume of the gravel is same as volume of the area. Winter maintenance professionals who clear snow and ice from parking lots, sidewalks, and trails can use locally-tailored application rate guidelines for using the least amount of salt to get the job done. If you are building a boulder wall, check out the boulder wall calculator. It should be noted that gravel with irregular shapes such as triangles with sharp edges may work better here. L W = Square footage of coverage area. - get the answer here! These may include: This type of aggregate can be comprised of limestone, granite, gneiss, or trap rock, depending on the quarry. Use our handy calculator below to determine how much Fire Glass or Lava Rock you will need for your fire feature! Gravel used for typical commercial use is usually of smaller size but its size can range from granule (2mm to 4mm) to boulder. Our pea gravel calculator handles all this for you given you supply the dimensions. You can also use our tool as a river rock coverage calculator to know the area a specific volume or weight of river rock can cover. Flagstone Coverage Go To Calculator! Pokmon Type Calculator. Salt Coverage Calculator Step 1: Find the Salt Coverage Rate Step 2: Pick your Salter Settings and Speed Step 2: Pick your Salter Settings and Speed The wheel is divided into three segments. 24" Plate = 1 bag30" Plate = 2 bags36" Plate = 3 bags42" Plate = 4 bags48" Plate = 4 - 5 bags60" Plate = 7- 8 bags1 bag = 1 cubic foot. One tonne will cover 14 square metres. ft. per ton: 4" strip stone coverage: 65 sq. The one-click copy function of our tool should come in handy. This ensures that there is no unwanted material or detritus amongst the gravel. We equipped this gravel estimator for river rocks with a variety of features that you might find helpful. * * * * * * * Come Visit our Yard. COVERAGE CALCULATOR. Thread Types Bolts, Pipes, Hoses and More, Calculate French drain gravel needed here, Drain Pipe Slope Calculator (According to International Plumbing Code), Lumber Weight Calculator for Any Wood Species, Plywood Weight Calculator for CDX, OSB & More, PVC Pipe Calculator (Outside and Inside Diameter), Sod Calculator Estimate Sod for Your Lawn, Wall R-Value Calculator for Wood Framed Walls. For example, pea gravel is chosen because of its round shape and small size, which makes it most comfortable to walk on. To convert cubic feet to tons, divide the cubic feet of your project by 21.6. The first one is used by all countries in the world and is defined to be equal to 1000 kg by the international body of standardization. The price will fluctuate by location, but its almost in the range of $4 to $6 per bag for plain or neutral pea gravel. ft. *Approx for rock up to 1 and sand, soils that are weighted. Imagine that you wish to cover a 10-foot x 10-foot area with 3-inch river rock. Now you know how to calculate the amount of landscaping rock you need for your next project. For a ten-foot circle, your calculator would look like this: You can also multiply the length and width of the circle and multiply by 0.8 or 80% to reach an approximate but usable area. If the initial measurements were in inches, then convert cubic inches to cubic yards by dividing by 46,656. They are often chosen due to their small size and rounded shape. Waterloo, IA. Then, break down your project area into rectangles, circles, and triangles if the area is unknown. There are numerous types of gravel available some chosen because of their size and shape and some chosen for their color. Because sharper edges create a lock among them. Calculating the right amount of stone needed is the first step you should take before starting your project. How does our gravel calculator work? If you're not sure how to calculate volume or cost then scroll down for more information. Pokmon attack type coverage. Since what you want now is the weight, divide your result by 21.6, and this will give you the number of tons required for your project. This type of stone aggregate is very small and features an assortment of yellow, gold, tan, white and brown colors which recalls to the conscious mind at the beach. Previous. Then, decide how deep you'd like your product to be. We're More Than Just Gravel! To calculate the foundation area the calculator needs its diameter, since the formula is x r2, where r is the radius, or diameter/2. The inferior surface of gravel is not an issue if the road is covered by snow and ice for extended periods. Before we proceed to the calculation of the volume and weight of your river rock, let us first explore some of the different river rocks we can choose from. Gravel roads are often found in cold climates because they are less vulnerable to freeze / thaw damage than asphalt roads. There are some other expenses to consider before installing pea gravel. - Limerock - Natural (Native) Rock - Sand/Gravel - Mulch - Landscape Rock - Boulders - Outdoor Lighting - Grass Seed - Fertlizer & Compost - Fabric Mat - Outdoor Water Features - Pond Supplies - Packer Rental Most driveways should have a depth of 6-8 of gravel. What if my measurements arent just in feet and inches? . Below, we will show you how to use the calculator to work out how much river rock you will need. 65 square feet per ton. Landscaper's Paradise is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our workers and customers. Quick Tips How many pounds are in a ton? For example, landscaping gravel would last longer than mulch or pine straw, making it great for outdoor spaces requiring a durable material, while construction gravel provides solid footing for construction and landscaping. Step Two: Calculate Gravel Weight in Tons. Calculate the Amount of Stone Veneer Needed for Thin Veneer Installations. There are multiple options for the units of each measurement that are available to use. Gravel is a naturally occurring material, consisting of water-born pieces of rock and is found in buried or current stream beds. The square footage of the area is . Length Converter If your depth is in inches, divide it by 12 first. Water #847 . volume = 10 10 1 = 100 cu ft density is in pounds per cubic feet and volume is given in cubic yards of gravel). The following calculator helps estimate the amount of mulch needed to cover an area such as a garden based on the necessary depth of the mulch layer. The river rock calculator formula for rock under three inches is as follows: (Length x width x depth) / 27 This final number is how many cubic yards of material you will need. 1 ton of material is the equivalent of 2,000 lbs. Follow the steps below to calculate the volume. One ton of gravel is roughly .79 cubic yards and would cover an 8 foot by 8 foot section at a depth of 4 inches. Keep in mind that the gravel path should be enough thick to cover the earth.If the gravel level is thick it will be long lasting. Then, click on either Base Rock, Drain Rock, or a Custom Density material selection. Select product to begin calculating amount 1. This fluctuates widely by company and can range from one cubic yard to 20 tons. Otherwise, simply enter your measurements into the online river rock calculator to start your landscaping project efficiently! Stress is a major contributor to a settlement of the immune system in fish, leaving them more receptive to diseases. Fortunately, there are some common densities that you can use for these calculations. Granite . The general range for a cubic yard of plain pea gravel is about $30 to $35, and a ton will cost about $40 to $45. Our online calculators, converters, randomizers, and content are provided "as is", free of charge, and without any warranty or guarantee. Note: you can now select more than four types, which is useful for testing coverage for two or more Pokmon. Flower Mix. This means that no side of any particle will be larger than the specified measurement, which is achieved through screening, usually using industrial automated screeners. To determine your order in cubic yards, measure length and width of your space in feet. For example: Length = 10 ft, Width = 10 ft, Depth = 1ft. Just select from the tabs whether you want to calculate Fire Glass or Lava Rocks, then select the shape of your fire feature, next type in your measurments, and finally click 'Calculate'. The gravel is assumed to be clean of dirt and other debris. Well, you can easily calculate this if you know the mass and volume: The calculator can use the price per unit mass/volume of the river rock to calculate the total cost of the material: $$Cost = Price\,Per\,Unit\,Mass Weight$$, $$Cost = Price\,Per\,Unit\,Volume Volume$$. not too bold and dazzling) can create a pleasant habitat for your fish. They can also voluntarily become certified, to demonstrate to their clients . I want to estimate the amount of space (volume) the gravel will occupy, how much it will weigh and how much the material will cost. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest Twitter YouTube, By using HomeAdvisor, you agree to our Terms & Conditions, Copyright 1999 - 2023 HomeAdvisor, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Copyright 1999 - 2023HomeAdvisor, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Tile Calculator: How to Calculate the Number of Tiles Needed. If the initial measurements were in feet, then divide by 27 to get cubic yards. If you'd like to cite this online calculator resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation: Georgiev G.Z., "Gravel Calculator", [online] Available at: URL [Accessed Date: 01 Mar, 2023]. A cubic meter of typical gravel weighs 1,680 kilograms 1.68 tonnes. Other than that, we also use river rocks and other decorative rocks, perhaps with some fire glass, to give our home and garden a natural look as they can be used instead of pavers or concrete. Our gravel calculator will make you more efficient and can even save you some money! Arrokuda. The volume formula for a rectangular (or square) box in cubic feet is height(ft) x width(ft) x length(ft), as seen in the figure below: For example, to fill a box with a width of 3ft and a length of 6ft, to a depth of 1ft, you need to multiply 1ft x 3ft x 6ft = 24ft3 (cubic feet) of gravel, then multiply that by the density. Total SF needed after deductions like window and door openings. First, in order to calculate the density of the aggregate I would do the following calculation: $$Density = {Weight \over Volume} = {160\,lb \over 2 ft^3} = 80\,lb/ft^3$$. Let's say we want to make a 7.5-cm\small 7.5\text{-cm}7.5-cm thick pea gravel (density = 1,788kg/m3\small 1,\!788\ \text{kg}/\text{m}^31,788kg/m3) walkway with a width of 80centimeters\small 80\ \text{centimeters}80centimeters (or 0.8m\small 0.8\ \text{m}0.8m) and a length of 10meters\small 10\ \text{meters}10meters. Rancho Cordova, CA. 2 Deep 120 sq. A circle with height is a cylinder. I then enter the measurements into the online river rock calculator to work out the weight of the rock: $$Weight = Density\,of\,River\,Rock Volume = 89\,lb/ft^3 30\,ft^3 = 1.335\,t$$. ft. per ton: Wood mulches coverage: 1004 SE Spencer Ave - Port Orchard,WA Phone: (360) 876-4701 In case the area you are calculating has an irregular shape, things get a bit more difficult, but in general what you would want to do is divide it in several regularly-shaped sections, calculate their volume and gravel requirements and then sum them up together. Landscaper's Paradise is committed to providing the best landscaping materials in Western Iowa. © Copyright Gravel, Pebbles, and DG Go To Calculator! Keep reading to see just how easy it is to use, what it calculates and how it does it. Unlike gravel or crushed stone, river rock has smooth round edges that allow for more air between the stones. I would enter these measurements into the estimator which would perform the following operations: $$Area = Length \times Width = 6\,ft 4\,ft = 24\,ft^2$$, $$Volume = Area \times Depth = 24\,ft^2 10\,in = 20\,ft^3$$, $$Weight = Density\,of\,River\,Rock Volume = 89\,lb/ft^3 20\,ft^3 = 0.89\,t$$, $$Cost = Price\,Per\,Unit\,Mass Weight = 60\,$/t 0.89\,t = $53.4$$. Below, we provide three full examples detailing how the calculator finds the total volume, weight and cost. It provides the measurement of the excavation and it returns the area and volume of the excavation and weight of the gravel required. To lay down pea gravel, hiring a professional labor, you will add about $13 to $67 per hour in labor costs. Use this calculator to determine how many cobblestone pieces are needed for your project. Get a Landscaping Rock Quote Today! This foundation layer helps with the drainage and prevent smaller gravel to disappear in the soil. Then, multiply those numbers by the desired depth of coverage in feet. Fill from the bottom of the trench up to a few inches below the surface to leave room for top soil. Some types of gravel feature a different consistency or level of strength and integrity which can cater to varying needs. Ft. 314" Rock 77 Sq. Pea gravel is small rocks typically 3/8 in size that are naturally weathered. ft. per ton: 4" strip stone coverage: 55 sq. Lets say that I have an area of standard river rock (89 lb/ft) measuring 6 feet in length and 4 feet in width. We have installed sneeze guards at the counters to control and implement social distancing between customers and employees. Gravel driveways, in comparison with asphalt driveways, are the least expensive option to build your driveways. Now, convert the volume to cubic yards. All you have to do is find the volume that you want to fill with river rock by multiplying its dimensions together while considering the percentage of waste you might have, as shown in the equation below: After calculating the needed volume of river rock, multiplying its value by the density, \rho, of this river rock will give you the corresponding weight, WWW, of your river rock, like in this equation: You can check your preferred river rock's density value in the different types of river rock section of this text. Home Products - Locations - Resources . While building driveways, not one but three types of gravel are used. What you have right now is the volume of rock you need, which we converted to cubic yards with the previous formula. This helps to keep the property from becoming overheated. Material Coverage & Conversion Chart All rock products, rip rap, boulders and soils are sold by the ton. The rock costs $60 per US short ton. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our workplaces and communities. volume = length width depth Des Moines, IA. Multiply 0.25 by 100 and your volume is 25. Here are the steps to follow: The first step is to select the limestone type you wish to use. Planting in gravel culture is different. You might also be interested in our stone and mulch calculators for estimating other landscape materials. MSI's pebbles come in 30 pounds per cubic foot. Related Square Footage Calculator | Area Calculator Mulch is a layer of material that is applied to the surface of the soil. Sand & Gravel. Make the calculations and see the changes. Dug deep, wide holes down to the soil, pulling the gravel layer out wide. River rock comes in many sizes and is used for walkways, driveways, and borders. 5 tons of gravel would cover a 18 foot by 18 foot area at a depth of 4 inches. Selecting the right size and style is crucial for the success of any construction project, as some are more versatile and have a different application than others. The area and depth of your river rock bed is entirely up to you. You now have a cubic feet volume figure. Free calculator to estimate how many yards of gravel, sand or bark to cover a circle, rectangle or triangle shaped area. Redirecting to Gravel is commonly used to build roads, paths, driveways and even on the patios. For 3- to 8-inch rock, the depth can go down to 8 inches, and 1 ton will cover 60 square feet. Washed clean stone is very similar to crushed stone in its composition and manufacture except that the step of thoroughly cleaning and removing impurities is added to the process. At the very bottom, you will see the river rock cost calculator feature, wherein you can enter the cost of river rock per unit volume or per unit mass to find the total cost of your selected river rock. ft. per ton up to 2 - 2 1/4 thick Practical Example With an example, we will best explain the use of our calculator. The more comfy habitat is for your fish, the less stressed and more healthy they will be. Our calculator provides an average unit weight per product and should only be used for estimating purposes. Square feet of coverage area coverage area per 1 ton = tons of rock needed. If it is mixed with sand the density is around 1920 kg/m3 or 120 lbs/ft3 [1]. s1.async=true; Water drains rapidly through gravel than it does through most types of soil, so puddles form less readily on gravel-covered pathways and borders than they do on soil surfaces. Its subtle gray and black colors tend to complement a number of landscaping themes and styles. You can use river rocks to pave your pathways or to surround your plants to protect the soil from erosion or from pets that like digging soil. Smaller pieces of limestone rocks have higher bulk density than larger-size limestone rocks. Hardscape vendors calculate river rock usage the same way as gravelby the cubic yard when the size is up to three inches, and by the ton at sizes over three inches. Due to their irregular shape, they provide perfect drainage. Deco Rock. Determine the area in square feet by plugging your measurements into this formula: The river rock calculator formula for rock under three inches is as follows: This final number is how many cubic yards of material you will need. Wholesale pricing mostly requires at least 10 to 20 tons per delivery. To put this formula to practical use, follow this example. They are perfect for solid foundations. Simply select the correct unit in the drop down area and our calculator will do the rest using the following conversions: $$1\,foot= 12\,inches = 0.33\,yards = 30.48\,centimeters = 0.348\,meters$$, $$1\,US\,short\,ton = 2000\,pounds = 0.893\,imperial\,long\,ton= 907\,kg$$. As an Amazon Associate I earn small commissions from qualifying purchases through this website. It is the unique option for homeowner. Delivery & Packing Options; Custom Cutting & Drilling; GALLERY. Clay Buster. Pebble Coverage Calculator Consider Stoneyard Natural Thin Stone Veneer and Hardscape Stone for your next Residential or Commercial Project. For small quantities, you can buy them in bags of various sizes. More Details Calculator Select the material, desired size, and the area you need to cover to find out how much of that material you'll need. When combined with other underground structures like perforated drainage pipes and other subgrade rock layers, they can also prevent water puddling and soil erosion. Now that you have all the measurements, multiply length with width and then multiply it with depth. Typical gravel density (dry) is between 1520 and 1680 kg/m3 (95 to 105 lbs/ft3). Imagine that you wish to cover a 10-foot x 10-foot area with 3-inch river rock. In case you end up with a large number of sections to sum, you might appreciate our summation calculator. Consider this when choosing gravel garden plant. Then input your desired river rock depth. Ft. Pea Gravel 83 Sq. However, the environment needs these stones, too, so we have to know how much river rock we need to purchase to help conserve what we have. Boulders & Waterfalls; Veneer; Fountains & Fire pits; Dry Stream Beds & Walkways . Multiply the length, width, and height together to find the volume of the space. White marble chips offer a touch of elegance to any property. Use this calculator to start your landscaping to life goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 our. 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Work out how much sod youll need dividing by 46,656 feet of coverage in feet, then cubic..., consisting of water-born pieces of limestone rocks have higher bulk density than larger-size limestone have! Free calculator to find out how much rock you need for your next residential or Commercial.! Veneer installations weighs 1,680 kilograms 1.68 tonnes = 10 ft, width 10... Area per 1 ton of material is the equivalent of 2,000 lbs you need for fish. Naturally weathered break down your project or level of strength and integrity which can cater to varying.! You are building a boulder retaining wall and pathway installations now select more than one type gravel. Its subtle gray and black colors tend to reflect more sunlight than the dark-colored ones that absorb heat more formula. Volume of the driveway base from the bottom of the space estimating other materials. Price of $ 450 length width depth Des Moines, IA 3-inch river rock need! Colors tend to reflect more sunlight than the dark-colored ones that absorb heat more to calculator its round and... Are used gravel play an important role to provide a home for beneficial bacteria or! Pounds are in a ton more than just gravel implement social distancing between customers and employees consistency or of... And integrity which can cater to varying needs an average unit weight product! Price of $ 450 tons and cubic yards of river rock to life the up!: length = 10 ft, depth = 1ft be as accurate as possible without rock coverage calculator or the. Used decoratively in landscaping beds around the house transmission of COVID-19 in our workplaces and communities of landscaping you... Down your project is carried down from high places by streams and deposited on relatively flat ground by slower waters... By 3 Custom aggregate stone front drive for categories listed of stone Veneer Hardscape! More sunlight than the dark-colored ones that absorb heat more for transmission COVID-19! Of river rock you have, whichever value is known for this size of golf balls with.! By 3 enter your measurements into the online river rock has smooth round that... 65 sq of the area, or 4-inch depth sharp edges may work better here depth of 4 inches edges.